An Apple Spiced Bundt Cake a Day Keeps Anxiety Away

April 20, 2020

I’ve spent most of this quarantine swinging between seeking out the comfortable (doing loops and getting miles on the TM while watching Food Network) and craving things that make me feel like this isn’t the end (hard trail runs and long swims). The same holds true in the kitchen. One day I’m trying to crack […]

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Cooking in the Time of Lockdown

March 27, 2020

Like many others, we have been on lockdown for the past week, trying to stem the tide of the tsunami that is Covid-19. Fear, sadness, helplessness, and rage seem to have taken over the internet. For the first few days of captivity, I followed the news almost obsessively. But as the days marched on, and […]

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Hi, I’m Carilyn, and I’m a Walker

February 27, 2020

After all the issues during 6 Days in the Dome (phone call that I had to leave early because my father-in-law took a turn for the worse, messed up knee, etc.), one good thing came from it – I finally got to experience what it felt like to walk (part of) a race. Always before, […]

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Pumpkin Spice Muffins (Or, You Totally Know I Turned Them Into Cupcakes)

October 24, 2019

I’ve never been a fan of pumpkin anything. Okay, that is a gross understatement. I strongly dislike all things pumpkin. Blerg. When pumpkin spice latte season begins, I feel like knocking the venti Starbucks cup from every smiling face and screaming, “Just get a chocolate milkshake for breakfast, Eileen! You’re not fooling anyone!” Pumpkin is […]

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Chocolate Peanut Butter Brownies (Or: Whole Jar of Peanut Butter Brownies)

September 17, 2019

I really thought my life was over when I realized I needed to cut out gluten to keep my joints from swelling. Really? Gluten free? I’d just as soon eat liver flavored cereal every morning for breakfast than give up cake, doughnuts, and cookies. But, after two years of cleaning up our diet – first […]

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Soup is Good Food

May 9, 2019

Soup is the food of the broken hearted. While Hallmark movies make you believe it is cupcakes, and Lifetime makes you believe it is Chardonnay, the reality is, when our hearts are broken, we need comfort and nourishment, not a sugar crash and a hangover. Right now, my mother-in-law is broken hearted. My father-in-law has […]

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