You Can’t Get Enough of What You Don’t Really Want

February 18, 2019

I really want doughnuts. Plural. Like a box of doughnuts. Cake doughnuts with icing and sprinkles. Apple Fritters. Simple, light and fluffy glazed doughnuts. But. If you read this blog, you know I’ve figured out that too much sugar makes me feel blerg. I don’t sleep well, my energy level goes up and down all […]

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The Long Run (or: Wandering Around Like a Crazy Person)

January 12, 2019

Now that I’m more of an adventurer than a competitive runner, I have a lot more flexibility with my Saturday long runs. Gone are the days of Saturday fast 20 milers on the track and 20 mile hill repeats. I’m not saying I won’t incorporate some of those things if I pick another big race, […]

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I’m so under caffeinated, I can’t even come up with a title.

January 10, 2019

  I’m doing the black coffee experiment. Again. Sigh. I keep hearing the phrase, “We can do hard things.” I’m inspired by it. I quote it to my kids. I believe it. Mostly. After three days of straight black coffee, I think the phrase should be modified to, “We can do hard things EXCEPT BE […]

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Flourless Cheese Souffles (Or: You’re All That on a simple Wednesday)

October 15, 2018

Ever since Tim figured out he has a wheat allergy (the anaphylaxis kind, not the intolerance kind), I’ve had to really make an effort to rework favorite recipes to be wheat-free. Keto doesn’t necessarily mean wheat-free, but that is the route Tim needs to follow, so I’m constantly trying to make new things that he […]

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Parmesan Chive Scones (Keto/LCHF)

October 2, 2018

Bread, bread, bread. Oh, keto/lchf, you have done so much for me, but your bread game is sorely lacking. Or so I thought. Then I found Carrie Brown and her cheddar chive biscuits. Um, yes, thank you, Carrie. And after a few very happy batches of her savory, bready (yes, actual bread-ness) creations, it was […]

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Chocolate Cream Parfait (Or: If KFC grew up, had babies, and was adulting) keto, LCHF

September 25, 2018

Back in the early 80s, a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken (it was not yet KFC) Extra Crispy was a TREAT. Trust me on this if you were not yet alive and can’t believe this to be true. A couple of times a year, my mom and I would load up in the family land […]

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