20 Miler Real Housewives Style (Or, How Andy Cohen Is Now My Own Personal Running Reality Host)

April 8, 2013

So if this was a cool runner’s blog, I would tell you about all the awesome runs/adventures I had over the weekend. But since I’m basically a looped course runner who occasionally ventures out onto a trail and usually ends up on the ground, crying, or adjusting someone’s moobs without permission, I can only share […]

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Why Crazy People Pee A Lot (And Watch Dance Moms Marathons)

April 5, 2013

Conversation in my head this morning: Why are you awake? Go back to sleep. I can’t! Yes, you can! This is your only day to sleep in. Now, sleep! (Lie there for 20 minutes. Check phone twice just in case important e-mails, updates on my favorite Top Chef contestants, or news of an earthquake drop […]

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An Egg is an Egg (Or, why people with no imagination will need therapy)

April 4, 2013

Conversation at 8:00 this morning: Son 2: MOM! Me: What? Son 2: You ate all my Reese’s eggs! Me: No I didn’t. Son 2: Well, the bag is totally empty. Me: I just ate a few. Son 2: Well, I only ate 3. And there were like 20 in the bag. Me: So I had a […]

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Things I Do When I Should Be Running

April 3, 2013

Because I work from home, I have to keep myself on a pretty tight schedule or I would spend all day at the movies or talking on the phone with my sister. Or probably getting a psychic reading. So, to keep myself from spending thousands of dollars just for a woman with a large mole […]

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One of the Many Reasons I Should Not Be Allowed to Run on the Treadmill

April 2, 2013

I have a very important announcement to make: From now on, this blog is to be read with an English accent. This may seem like an odd directive, but really, if you are still reading this blog, you clearly have a high tolerance for “odd”. If you’re new here, might I suggest you save yourself […]

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Okay, Seriously. It’s Time to Get Serious.

April 1, 2013

While everyone else is posting beautiful pictures of Easter eggs and bunnies, I am resisting posting pics of dead coyotes. I just feel like it may…dampen your holiday mojo. Instead of spending Easter looking for eggs (okay, my kids are 16 so that wasn’t going to happen anyway), we spent our weekend driving back to […]

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