
July 4, 2022

This isn’t a recipe post so much as it is an ode to eating, my favorite pastime.  With all the stress, turmoil, illness, strife, and general unhappiness that we have witnessed over the last couple of years, one shining ray of positivity has broken through the dark clouds of despair many of us have felt […]

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Up and Down Mountains

April 16, 2022

I found myself inadvertently heading up the mountain today. I just started walking, determined to get my mileage, but feeling very little enthusiasm. If you read my last post, you know I have been struggling of late. I’m grateful for my Project6240, as it forces me to move every single day, which is wonderful for […]

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Lost and Found

April 14, 2022

Trying to get traction after my mom’s death has proven to be difficult. As one of her primary caregivers for the last several years, it has been very strange to suddenly find myself with little responsibility. I basically went from taking care of kids to taking care of my mom. Now, I am a childless […]

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Lemon Glazed Honey Cake

April 11, 2022

If you follow me on social media, you may have read that my beloved mom passed away a couple of weeks ago. It was not a shock because she had been declining over the last couple of years after she took a fall in the middle of the night and broke her hip. But, it […]

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Skillet Apricot Upside Down Cake

October 7, 2021

My mom loves apricots. When we were little, she would feed us apricot nectar any time we got sick, always saying it was one of the few fond memories she had from her tumultuous childhood. She planted an apricot tree in our side yard, ensuring we had a bumper crop of her favorite fruit even […]

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You Say Mango, I Say Mahngo. Regardless, It’s Still Not Salad, Y’all

May 5, 2021

A looooooong time ago, way before I became a pro runner but after I’d gone on hiatus from practicing law, when I had new babies at home and was finding myself cooking ALL THE TIME, I hosted a cooking segment on the local news. Part of my job was to come up with a theme, […]

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