Don’t Say Keto! Don’t Say Keto! (Sorry, I Said It)

January 3, 2018

So I’ve received a lot of questions and comments about what I posted yesterday regarding my eating. I really hate getting into “diets” or food programs on the internet, because, first, I’m a foodie and don’t really think that any food is “bad,” and, second, I truly believe everyone is different and thrive from all […]

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I May Still Be Insane, But I’m Less Puffy (and I can see my computer screen)

January 2, 2018

It’s New Year Resolution Post time, right? I mean, I didn’t miss it, did I? Surely there is at least a one week grace period. Since we’re all trying to be “better people” (or cool like Beyonce), I think that a little grace isn’t too much to ask for. Please. Why do we always feel […]

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How a Thursday Chocolate Chip Cookie Became a Friday Chocolate Chip Cookie – Laziness

October 9, 2017

Last week, I made chocolate chip cookies, just because. No special occasion, no special recipe I wanted to try, no special ingredients. It was Thursday and that seemed like a good enough reason. And when I pulled them out of the oven, they were terrible. Flat. Greasy. Falling apart. A Thursday cookie, indeed. Then something […]

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Southwestern Chicken Tacos (that were something else entirely, yesterday)

October 5, 2017

Mom and I went out for our usual Wednesday lunch date yesterday, and per custom, said good-bye only after an exchange of dishes we had made. We both love to cook, so there is a constant trading back and forth. I took her some of the Blueberry Walnut Crumb Cake (because I definitely Do Not […]

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How to Make Houswifery Fun! (Total lie. But at least bearable.) Blueberry Crumb Cake

October 4, 2017

Betty Crocker blueberry muffins for breakfast were one of my favorite Monday morning surprises when I was little. After a full weekend of sleep-overs, Broadway musical productions for the neighborhood, the selling of fruit and vegetable seed packets door-to-door (my part-time job as a six year-old), and swim practice, Monday mornings were always a little […]

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Pull Yourself Together (sugar helps)

September 26, 2017

That felt like an awfully long summer, didn’t it? Maybe because it was so hot here in Texas. Or maybe because I wasn’t focused on a training schedule, instead, content to sleep in some, dawdle, and generally just phone it in. Or maybe it was because this was the first summer without a kid at […]

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