Just Be Weird, Normalo

April 12, 2018

Turning 50 has definitely changed the way I view my running. Suddenly, all (okay, most) of my ambition is gone. I’m no longer (very) obsessed with winning races or setting records. Now, I seem to only care about getting miles done because…hell, I don’t even know. It’s really just a habit. Like brushing my teeth. […]

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Be Stupid! (Tim thinks I give BAD advice. Ha!)

January 22, 2018

With Keto listed as the WORST diet of 2017, my post the other day was timed just right, don’t you think? As ultrarunners, we seem to be always swimming upstream. Apparently, we take great pleasure in doing things that the rest of the world deems moronic, dangerous, and unsustainable. Yup, we are spitters-into-the-wind. I don’t […]

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I Don’t Know What To Do Without Donuts (Shhhh…Nobody Knew These Were Keto)

January 16, 2018

When I was a competitive swimmer, my pre-race meal was always the same: two Winchell’s cake doughnuts with sprinkles and a carton of milk. Every. Single. Swim meet. Yes, we were super on top of nutrition back in the 70s and 80s. I’m sure the sugar/fat bomb combo only lasted for a couple of hours […]

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No, I Didn’t Eat Six of These. You Can’t Prove Anything. (Keto Chocolate Almond Butter Mini Cheesecakes)

January 11, 2018

  Living without sugar (and wine) has been the toughest part of keto for me. If you’ve followed this blog for any length of time, you know that I LOVE sugar. If I were smarter, I would figure out how to search my site to see just how many high carb/sugar-filled/dessert recipes are on here. […]

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Of Course, We’re Going to Start With Bread (Keto Everything Bagels. Because Bagels are EVERYTHING.)

January 8, 2018

Keto Egg and Bacon Bagel Sandwich When most people first contemplate going keto, they usually wail some version of, “But I can’t live without bread!” While my lament was more something along the lines of, “But I can’t live without doughnuts! And pie! And cookies in the shape of hearts and decorated with sprinkles!,” I […]

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Keto in French: KeTOW, Mes Amis (See? Isn’t that more appealing, already?)

January 5, 2018

Editorial note: I’ve started experimenting with keto desserts, so next post we will resume recipes. I just thought I needed to give a little more background so y’all weren’t like, What the hell is going on here?! Have all the adults left the premises?! When Tim and I first started keto, part of what made following […]

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