This Post Is Only Interesting If You Need a Treadmill Photo to Add to Your Fetish Collection

November 20, 2013

Really, I don’t want to post about running. Mostly, because I am running on the treadmill. A lot. And what is there interesting to say about that? Hi everyone! Just did another rip-roaring fun run on the TM! Loved it! Got all sweaty and stinky! Wish you had been here! And then I would post a photo […]

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Just Because I Run in Circles Doesn’t Mean I Can’t Play Dirty

November 18, 2013

I tried to pretend like I wasn’t a runner again this weekend. I skipped my long run on Saturday hoping that Los Angeles would get attacked by a swarm of locusts and I would be off the hook. I needed to run a “fast” 20 miler, and I DIDN’T WANT TO. But, by Sunday, when […]

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If Complaining Makes You Live Longer, I Won’t Die Until I’m 112

November 14, 2013

With recent studies showing that people who complain regularly live longer, I felt like this was a health trend I could embrace. I may have failed at going Paleo, Gluten Free and Vegan, but I KNEW I could succeed at this one! So, in honor of my new commitment to healthier living, here is what […]

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Why Husbands Shouldn’t Be In Charge Of The Budget

November 12, 2013

Conversation between me and Hubz: Hubz:  Have you signed up for Desert Solstice yet? Me:  No. Hubz:  Why not? Me:  Because I’m not sure if I’m trained up enough. Hubz:  You say that before every race. Me: Well, this time I mean it. Hubz: You say that before every race, too. Me: Well, this time […]

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Sunday Morning Confession: Javelina 100, Reality TV and Halloween Candy

November 10, 2013

If you know me at all, you might suspect that I have been lying on my couch, systematically eating all the Butterfingers and Heath Bars left over from Halloween while watching Top Chef and Project Runway marathons for all these weeks that I have diligently avoided blogging.  But you’d be wrong. Okay, only partly wrong. […]

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I Hate Running. Okay, I Don’t, But Slush Puppies and Beaches Sure Make It Better.

September 16, 2013

Despite my good intentions of running celibacy, I gave in yesterday and ran. I know. I’m a hypocrite. Please forgive me. And allow me to explain. I had to go to Long Beach to pick up my kids after a camping trip on Catalina Island. They were due to arrive on the 1:00 ferry, so […]

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