Giving Thanks: Alcohol, A Full Set of Teeth, and a Coffee Addiction (not necessarily in that order)

December 21, 2013

Yesterday, we drove 13 hours from Los Angeles to El Paso. The Christmas holiday has officially begun! Woop! During the drive, I had plenty of time to reflect (while holding the steering wheel in a death grip trying to avoid haboobs and later, massive rain/snow storms. I swear, California hordes all the good weather, and […]

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Getting Fat For a Goal: Every Husband’s Dream

December 18, 2013

Conversation with Hubz: Me:  So, after a lot of thought, I think I know what I’m going to do next. Hubz:  A lot of thought? It’s only been two days. Me:  Okay, after some thought, I think I know what I’m going to do next. Hubz:  Oooooookay, let’s hear it. Me:  Try to sound a […]

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2014: The Year of Macrame Handbags but No 24 Hour Races

December 16, 2013

A work force is willing to go through many painful things if it believes in the long-term goals.  Richard Belous, Economist   The day has come when I am forced to admit that my “work force” (my body, my mind) is no longer willing to suffer by running around in circles for 24 hours. I’ve […]

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Germs: Bet You Didn’t Know They Are Community Property and You Are Required By Law To Share Them

December 12, 2013

  Conversation with Hubz on Tuesday: Me: I’m sick. Hubz: It’s all in your head. You’re just stressed out about the race. Me: Yes, it is all in my head, but not the way you think. But thanks for that. Hubz: What? Me: I have a cold. In my head. I have all this pressure […]

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Don’t Hate On the Vitamins. They Love You. (Even if they do make your pee stink)

December 10, 2013

I know what you’re thinking: Thank God someone finally figured out a way to make vitamins look and taste like Cake Balls! Uh, no. I just felt like any discussion about vitamins should be preceded by a nice serving of dessert. You’re welcome. I get a lot of questions about vitamins, most of which I […]

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I can’t help it if I didn’t take Calculus. Or Economics. Or whatever it is.

December 9, 2013

Loving Mother/Son Conversation: Son 1: This stuff I’m studying for my midterm is pretty interesting. Me: Oh really? What is it? Son 1: Aggregation. Me: What’s that? Son 1: Blah blah blah blah blah. (I think I blacked out) You’re not even listening, are you, Mom? Me: Of course I’m listening. You were talking about Irrigation. […]

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