Germs: Bet You Didn’t Know They Are Community Property and You Are Required By Law To Share Them

by Carilyn on December 12, 2013

cold medicines


Conversation with Hubz on Tuesday:

Me: I’m sick.

Hubz: It’s all in your head. You’re just stressed out about the race.

Me: Yes, it is all in my head, but not the way you think. But thanks for that.

Hubz: What?

Me: I have a cold. In my head. I have all this pressure in my sinuses and I feel all achy.

Hubz: Well, then I was half right.

Me: Glad to know we’ve figured that out.

Hubz: No, I mean I’m sorry you’re sick, it’s just that I can’t get fully in trouble because I DID say it was all in your head. And it is. Sort of. Get it?

Me: Our marriage vows are for how long?

Hubz: Forever, my love. Unless you die from this cold and then I’m off the hook early.

Me: Just so you know, I used your toothbrush.


P.S. I’m significantly better. I didn’t want to blog about this until I was sure I, and Hubz, would live through the week.

Happy Running!



Char December 12, 2013 at 3:10 pm

Ha ha ha. I must remember that toothbrush trick when I’m next sick and Iven’s annoying me.
Char recently posted…Running NakedMy Profile

Marcia December 12, 2013 at 3:12 pm

Why is the toothbrush sharing thing from 50 Shades coming to mind? Just why?

Carilyn December 12, 2013 at 3:28 pm

I’m glad I can help, Char!

Carilyn December 12, 2013 at 3:29 pm

Hmmmm…Marcia, since I can’t remember that part, I guess I’m going to have to go back and find it 🙂

Kim December 12, 2013 at 4:27 pm

Sorry you have been sick!!! I hope you are 100% soon – when is your race?
Funny about the toothbrush (I don’t remember that part from Fifty Shades either.).
Kim recently posted…Some Days are Harder than OthersMy Profile

Rebecca December 13, 2013 at 2:56 pm

Ha! I almost always get a cold before a race. And I almost never mention it to my husband. I do, however, call my mom. Easier that way:)
Rebecca recently posted…#Runnerproblems and why I love marathon trainingMy Profile

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