Work. Trust. Let Go.

June 16, 2014

My son, Grant, graduated from college yesterday.  And now he’s going to leave me.  Okay, just kidding, sort of. He is leaving me to go to school in London.  And while I’m elated that he is moving forward with his life, going out into the big world to see and taste it all only like […]

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If You Do Nothing Else, Finish

June 14, 2014

I guess I should have known I would end up being a loopy runner from the beginning.  You know how, years later, you are able to look back at something and say, “Ah.  Yes.”  Well, that’s how it is for me now with my first 50 miler.  I should have known there would be many […]

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When You Don’t Know What Else To Do – Run

June 12, 2014

When I first decided I wanted to be an ultrarunner, I knew pretty much nothing about the sport other than I WANTED TO DO IT.  From my limited worldview in El Paso, I had only two points of reference: Dean Karnazes and Pam Reed.  I don’t know if this is because I was too lazy […]

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No Sharks, No Fat – Love Is All About Compromise.

June 7, 2014

Me: You don’t seem super excited about me running Spartathlon. Hubz: We just have a lot going on in the fall, and going to Greece wasn’t on the list. Me: I know, but this is a once in lifetime. Silence Me: No comment? Hubz: I’m just still wondering how I ended up with a woman […]

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Life’s Big Decisions: A New Kidney or Sarah Silverman?

May 9, 2014

Fridays are always a little wackadoo. I usually only do 10 miles in anticipation of Saturday’s long run. But if I have anything going on early Saturday morning, I have to decide if I am going to run long on Friday, or Sunday. Life changing decision, don’t you think? You can see how it would […]

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Aim Low

May 7, 2014

Most cities have a catchy little descriptor to make them more appealing. El Paso – The Sun City Los Angeles – City of Angels   Most of us people do, too. Dean Karnazes – Ultramarathon Man Roz Savage – Ocean Rower   But recently, I saw this And I thought, Yes. Why not just aim […]

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