Javelina Jundred Race Report. Sort of. Whatever.

November 5, 2015

Okay, I’m writing this “race report” because this is technically a running blog (At least that’s what it says when I google myself. Not that I’ve ever done that. Stop judging me. We haven’t even started yet.), and I’ve been told it’s sort of a requirement. Fine. I will write something, but I’m not promising […]

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Cream Cheese Brownies (Or: Martha, Martha, Martha)

September 17, 2015

Even though I love to cook and bake, I’ve always shied away from Martha. You know who I’m talking about, right? She who shall not be named? It’s nothing personal, really, it’s just that she causes some sort of involuntary twitch in me. Maybe it’s because she reminds me of those girls in middle school […]

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Chocolate Cake (Or: Mother’s Little Helper)

September 4, 2015

I think it’s time we talk about something serious, something we all obsess about but are afraid to admit out loud. We don’t want to be judged. We don’t want people to see into the dark little crevices of our soul. But our desires need to be acknowledged. We must declare our love for it. […]

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Blueberry Peach Upside Cake (Or: You’re Turning Violet, Violet)

September 3, 2015

I was actually going to share some lasagna with you today. Green Chile Chicken Lasagna, to be precise. But I forgot to take the final picture. You see, I made it for a little dinner party we had last night, and you know how those things go, a few gulps of wine and all thoughts […]

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Cake Doughnuts (Or: Nutritional Wonderfood of the 70s and Today)

September 1, 2015

    While most athletes think of training food as things like vegetables, protein powders, nuts, and fruit, I think of doughnuts. And I blame it on my mother. And the 70s. And too much chlorine. Back when I was a competitive swimmer, I used to train many hours per day – weights, dry land, […]

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Peanut Butter and Chocolate Brownies (Or: Deranged Lunatic Prevention Brownies)

August 29, 2015
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