Is There a Diamond Bauble For, “I Accidentally Called You Fat?”

December 1, 2016

Weird. With all this “nontraining” running I’m doing, I’ve lost weight. I’ve been kind of bragging/lamenting/bragging to Tim about it for a couple of weeks and he’s chosen to (mostly) ignore me. He knows this is a minefield. If he agrees/notices/comments, he’s in for the inevitable firestorm of: SO YOU THOUGHT I WAS HEAVY BEFORE? […]

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I’m So Zen, I’m Scary

November 30, 2016

Loops, how I love thee. Yes, I wrote that. And I mean it, so stop reading now if you were expecting something deeper. Or at least interesting. I’ve been thinking a lot about loops lately. Mostly because they are the only kind of running I feel like doing right now. The only kind of running […]

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You’ll Be Happy to Know All of My Relatives Are Still Alive

November 28, 2016

So many kind e-mails, comments, Tweets and texts about my last post. To all of you: thank you. I love you for caring and taking the time to read, skim, or open and immediately close this blog in utter exasperation. I really just write this stuff down because I have too much time on my […]

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Why I Quit Running (Okay, that’s not entirely true, but don’t tell my body)

November 2, 2016

So I haven’t quit running. I’ve just quit RUNNING. For now. I’m tired. Bone-deep tired. Twenty to forty miles a day tired. As I’ve talked about on many, many, many (I know) occasions (one of the problems with the blog format – you have to “refresh” regularly in case a reader shows up here by […]

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Anything But Food (or, Somedays there just aren’t enough miles for the hours)

October 25, 2016

I don’t want to talk about food today. Do you mind? I had a big, like the size of a Frisbee, slab of chicken fried steak for lunch and I’m feeling a little bilious. Although it probably wasn’t the size of the batter fried beef that did it, but rather the slurry of cream gravy […]

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Salted Toffee Brownies (or, What I Invented Because My Shoes Often Don’t Match)

October 19, 2016

How do you feel about brownies? I’m kind of meh about them. I like them fine, but when the world is full of sweets that have me obsessing about them at two o’clock in the morning, a brownie just isn’t ringing my bell. I’m not losing sleep over a brick of chocolate stranded between the […]

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