10 More Things Your Parents Were Right About (Okay, Nine)

by Carilyn on April 27, 2014

Recently, during a meeting of my writers’ group, we were discussing advice our parents had given us, but that we didn’t believe until we were well into adulthood – much of it we actively tried to prove wrong (damn, I wanted them to be wrong – especially the one about midnight and number of cocktails). Live and learn. So, we all decided to write up our own list. Here is mine, and trust me, my life would have been much less dramatic if I had only listened earlier (I wrote that last sentence for my kids. Listen to Me! I’m always right!):

1. If you are doing what you truly love, it will never feel like work.

2. If you are with who you truly love, it will never feel like work.

3. If someone lies to you at the beginning of a relationship, they will lie to you throughout, and then about you when it’s over.

4. Nothing good ever happens after midnight.

5. Nothing good ever happens after more than 2 drinks.

6. You don’t have to believe in God, but what do you have to lose if you’re wrong?

7. A kid will probably grow out of “wild” but will rarely grow out of “mean”.

8. What you spend your energy on expands, so choose wisely how to spend your time.

9. No matter how good of a parent you are, your kids are still probably going to need therapy.

10. Doughnuts are the perfect food. (Okay, I made this one up. But you know I’m right.)


Happy Running!




Char April 27, 2014 at 3:09 pm

I’m still living in hope that Mum wasn’t lying when she said that eating my crusts would make my hair curly. Although at 51 I’m starting to be a little suspicious. But who knows, I may wake up tomorrow with an afro.
Char recently posted…DisappointmentMy Profile

Kim April 27, 2014 at 5:45 pm

Love this list!!
I agree -nothing good happens after midnight (or even 10 which is when I try to be in bed by!).
Kim recently posted…Plyo and Hunter the Runner (4/20 – 4/26)My Profile

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