You Came Here For Running And All You Got Was A Damn Iguana

by Carilyn on December 29, 2014

Hello Friends!

I haven’t posted on here in awhile because I haven’t had much to say in the running department. And since this is primarily a running blog, I thought you might feel like you would if you walked into a hardware store trying to find a hammer and instead ended up going home with an iguana. I didn’t want you to end up with an unwanted iguana.

Like pretty much everyone else on this planet, my life is constantly changing, for good and for bad, and this blog is no exception. Yes, I’m still running, but as I whined about in the last post, I haven’t done any racing. I can’t really explain why, other than, as I said, I really hate to race. It takes all the fun out of running for me. So, in that vein, I’m trying something new: I’m heading to Phoenix in a few hours to run/walk/crawl my way through the 72 Hour event at Across the Years. I’m still not exactly sure why, but it seemed like a good idea when I decided to do it. I’m not as convinced now, but it’s too late to back out.

Every year that I have been running seriously, I head out on New Year’s Eve day and do a long run – six to twelve hours – by myself (or with any friends who are willing to join me for a few hours). I use it as a way to say Adios! to the old year and Howdy! to the new. With my new commitment-ish to not racing, trying this type of long run for multiple days at ATY seemed like a fun challenge. We will see. It might just be three days of unmitigated misery.

I have no goal other than seeing what it feels like to try to keep moving for that long. There is a big storm heading into Phoenix so I will probably go back to my hotel at night – this is for fun, and slogging through a blizzard is not part of my definition of fun. I’m going to play it by ear, but I have a feeling that a warm shower and bed will be too enticing to ignore. I also plan to eat anything and everything they offer me from the aid station. I’ve had enough of monitoring my caloric intake during races to “optimize” my performance. Bring on the hamburgers, pizza and queso! I’m guessing I will be walking so much that I would have no problems digesting a rhinoceros if it is offered to me.

As for the new year, I have no running plans other than to keep on moving. I really do love to run, so I know I will keep hitting the road/treadmill/trail. But I am starting culinary school on January 5th, so it is highly possible if you visit here you will see more posts about food than running. I’m hoping to keep it a mix of running AND food, but I don’t know that a post about “My 10 Miler on the Treadmill” will be super interesting. All I can say is that I will do my best because I miss y’all.

Anyway, Happy New Year everyone whether you are running, cooking, eating, or looking for an iguana! Bring on 2015!


Brenda @ Don't Lose the Trail December 29, 2014 at 9:36 am

Whoa, a 72 hour event is inconceivable to me! Have fun – I can’t wait to see what you have to say when it’s over! Happy new year!
Brenda @ Don’t Lose the Trail recently posted…Training plan for my first 50 mile race (American River 50)My Profile

Char December 29, 2014 at 2:21 pm

If you’re going to run for 72hrs you should be able to eat anything your little heart desires. I hope they have all your favourites and in plentiful supply. I’m pretty sure this is the run that Cory (Fast Cory) is running so if you see him say hello from me.
Char recently posted…Santa Run 2014My Profile

Kirstin C December 30, 2014 at 10:41 am

Happy New Year! Yes, I come for running but also for your fantastic humorous takes on life!

Kim December 30, 2014 at 2:25 pm

What a super fun event – can’t wait to hear more about it!! Love your approach and think it is the only way I will do a big event again!!
Super excited for you and the fact that you are starting culinary school next week!!!
Kim recently posted…Accepting Limitations (12/14 – 12/20)My Profile

Olga King December 31, 2014 at 5:39 am

I have same 2015 plans:) Happy New Year!

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