We all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same – Anne Frank

by Carilyn on June 29, 2010

So many life changes!  The boys and I are spending the summer in Los Angeles – flying back and forth to El Paso – while they attend a program at Cal State.  It is very exciting!  We have rented a little apartment and are experiencing urban living which is very entertaining.  I am running all over the city, getting my bearings, and trying to get the miles in without a group to keep me on track. 

I still have no definitive race plans, so I’m just running to stay in shape for my pacing/crewing duties at Badwater.  This year, I will be pacing Phil McCarthy, a former teammate of mine from the US National Team.  He is a phenomenal runner, so I can’t wait to see what he does at Badwater.  I’m so excited to be part of his crew!  Several other Team members are also competing, so it will be like a mini-reunion 🙂

Today, I ran to the Rose Bowl and did a 3 mile loop and then ran home.  I ran again at lunch, doing the city tour, finally stopping at the dumpling truck for some Beef Kimchi dumplings and some jalapeno cream cheese wontons.  Yum!  Did I mention I’m really enjoying this urban living?  I’ve really had to watch it though, because there is a cupcake store one block from our apartment and I have been going almost every day.  As you know, cupcakes are my downfall.  I looooooooove them!  I’m hoping that all the walking I have to do on a daily basis will balance out my increased cupcake consumption!

More updates soon.  Sorry for the long hiatus!

Happy running!

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