Trails, Treadmills and Toffee

by Carilyn on October 2, 2011

We are back in Southern California, getting on a schedule again.  The weather has been exceptional, although I am having to readjust to the humidity.  I sweat so much at the gym I look like I just got out of the shower!  Not a good look in the Land of the Beautiful People 🙂

My training is back on track, a race has been selected, and I’m back in the groove.  Sigh.  I was so freaked out about how long it took my hamstring/adductor tear to heal, that I am just relieved to be able to really run again.  And a very exciting side benefit to the injury: my back pain on the right side where I have 2 herniated disks is gone!  It seems that the tear relieved some of the pressure on the sciatic nerve.  I have had almost debilitating back pain for five years, so this feels like a miracle!  I guess there’s always a silver lining!  Now if I could just get some relief on the left side…

Anyway, being back in LA means that I can do one of my daily runs on trails, which I love!

It also means that I have to do my early run on the treadmill because it is way too dark to venture out in the big city alone.

Back in LA also means that my mileage is back up, so I can go back to making and eating toffee, something that seemed to be problematic when I could barely run 6 miles slowly!

Let the toffee eating commence!

Happy Running!


SteveQ October 7, 2011 at 9:35 am

So glad to hear you’re running pain-free! I’ve been in the kitchen more than on the trails myself, but a batch of cookies doesn’t last any longer, for some reason!

PITTMAN18Corrine October 28, 2011 at 9:52 pm

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Aida Numan November 17, 2011 at 10:58 pm

Aloha man! I quite agree with your thoughts.

Otha Hoschander November 24, 2011 at 5:17 pm

Thanks for your review! I really liked being here.

Matthew Jerome from esavfude November 30, 2011 at 12:57 am

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Brooke Wood nubuk January 24, 2012 at 5:26 pm

” I have better discernment than the community, and set myself outside it as its objective judge

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