Texas Truths

by Carilyn on July 2, 2012

Back in Texas.  Back to laid back days, cool mornings, scorching afternoons, evening thunderstorms, and lots of swimming.  Ahhhh….Heaven.

But Texas also requires some adjustment.  People talk differently. You know what I mean. After two years in LA, I realize that us Texans have our own vernacular, especially when it comes to running terms.

1.  Jails:  those things you eat when you run so that you don’t bonk.  Usually made by Hammer, Gu, or PowerGel.

2.  Cross Training: what you do on Saturday so that you can do your long run on Sunday and not get in trouble with the preacher.

3.  Vegetarian: a person who eats a salad made out of actual vegetables rather than one made out of green jello and cottage cheese.

4.  Sunscreen: running inside.  It’s Texas people!  There isn’t an SPF high enough to protect you!

5.  Marathon: the oil company that employs most of your relatives.  Or drills on your land. Or sends you a royalty check.


Texas food also takes some getting used to after you’ve been away awhile.  The transition period is much easier if you just accept that you will eat a big slab of beef at almost every meal.  Beef: it’s what’s for dinner.  And lunch.  And breakfast.  Case in point – I just ate a brisket sandwich for breakfast (notice it IS on wheat bread).

Yes, there is also a big hunk of cheese on the plate, but how can you eat a brisket sandwich without some dairy to go along with it?  And it was delicious, so hush!

Most importantly though, you have to adjust to the wide open spaces.  And the quiet.

I forgot how loudly I huff and puff when I run because there is NEVER a quiet moment in LA.  I ran on the river yesterday, and for a moment, I thought someone was chasing me.  Then I realized it was just my own breathing.  I forgot that I sound like a maniacal killer when I run.


Texas.  Home Sweet Home.


Happy Running!





Tim Smith July 2, 2012 at 9:28 am

Where in Texas are ya? We have a pretty fun trail group down in San Antonio.

Carilyn July 2, 2012 at 9:41 am

Hi, Tim! Thanks for stopping by! I am in El Paso, but I’ve heard great things about the running community in San Antonio! 🙂

SteveQ July 2, 2012 at 10:06 am

I didn’t catch any of that. Must be the accent. East Texas “Boomhauer” (of King of the Hill) gibberish.

Dontcha know. You betcha.

Carilyn July 2, 2012 at 2:32 pm

I need to go watch that show, Steve. And yes, the East Texas accent is waaaaaaaayyyyy worse than ours (West Texas) 😉 but don’t tell them I said that!

Jeff Dinkin July 2, 2012 at 3:40 pm

That was hilarious! Especially “Jails” and hearing yourself breathe. The food thing is funny too. I just saw on Twitter that you ate a Hotdog too. Yikes……..

Char July 2, 2012 at 4:16 pm

Nothing wrong with a big slab of cheese. In fact I have cheese envy – I haven’t been able to eat anything with lactose in it since I got sick at the beginning of the year. And my favourite foods are cheese and chocolate.

Marcia July 2, 2012 at 4:25 pm

Jails! You are killing me! I don’t know how anyone runs in texas heat. Ugh! I think pool running is the answer. Mmmmm brisket!

Carilyn July 3, 2012 at 9:11 am

I love pool running, Marcia! Actually, I love anything involving water 🙂

Carilyn July 3, 2012 at 9:12 am

I know, Char! Cheese and chocolate are miracles of the food pyramid!

Carilyn July 3, 2012 at 9:12 am

Thanks, Jeff! Hope all is well in Cali!

SteveQ July 3, 2012 at 9:41 am

All the Boomhauer you’ll ever need:

Carilyn July 3, 2012 at 10:26 am

Thanks, Steve!

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