Marathon season has begun! And along with the miles of running, packets of GU, and gallons of water, we all know that witty (or annoying, obnoxious and goofy) motivational signs are a necessary part of a good race (or at least an amusing one). Here are some of my favorites:
You Can Do It! You’ve trained longer than Kim Kardashian was married!
Run Faster! You’re all Kenyans on the inside! (to which the man next to me said, “Yeah, but I’m a middle-age white dude on the outside, and he’s the one doing the running.”)
No! You’re not almost there, so whoever just told you that was lying! Keep running!
If my mom can finish, so can you. GO MOM!
You thought the course was flat. Wrong! Hill coming up. Suck it up!
(Just added by my friend, Gene):
Morgue straight ahead! Keep running!
It’s Mile 14 – Time to Lube your Boobs, Dudes!
Did you see any good signs this weekend?
Happy Running!
I like this one, held by cute little kids: “Hurry home Mom, we’re hungry. And dirty.” 😛
LOL! Awesome!
“Three months ago this sounded like a good idea!”
Funny post. I’ve seen this one at a few races. “Worse Parade Ever!”
At RnRPDX there were signs that said
“God hates runners”
“But he likes a good jog”
“and walkers too!”
I spent the next mile trying to figure out to which of the first two the third referred. It was bizarre, but it distracted me from my misery.
I saw one near an aid station I liked: “if you’re going through hell, keep going.”
Haha they’re great.. I’m sure I’ve seen some good ones but I can’t remember stuff I see when I’m out running for a ridiculous amount of time. Often I can’t remember whole chunks of the run which is great because if I forget the worst bits I come back for more – a bit like having kids.
I saw a ton of great signs in Chicago last weekend, including the Kardashian one! I love the classic: your feet hurt cuz you’re kicking ass!
That is hilarious, Jordan!
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