Whatever It Takes To Get Back Out There (even if it’s lots of carbs)

July 15, 2017

I’m back training. Sort of. I went back to my group for a week, but they do most of their training on hills and I’m just not up for that, yet. My back is still wonky (three ruptured disks from a fall in 2007), and the hills kill me when my fitness is not on […]

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A Cure For Heatstroke (totally a lie, but you will feel better)

June 15, 2017

Another race that didn’t go well, another week off for recovery. The cycle of life that revolves around ultrarunning. Run, race, regroup, repeat. And in the meantime, cook and eat, right? You all know how I feel about soup, so while I putter around my house during my weeks off of intense training, I start […]

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True Love (or, Forced Training Through Extortion)

June 5, 2017

Tim: When are you going to start really training again. Me: Never. Tim: So, like, next week. Me: No. I said never. Tim: We both know that’s not true. Me: One of these days it will be true. How do you know it isn’t true this time? Tim: Because you still like to eat pizza […]

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I Never Promised You a Rose Garden or that I Wouldn’t Taper

May 10, 2017

You would think that when you are tapering your appetite would diminish, right? Nope. At least not for me. The less I run, the more I want Doritos. And Hershey’s Kisses. And an Avila’s chile con queso burrito (asadero cheese, green chile, wrapped in a warm flour tortilla. With a side of rice and beans, […]

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When Getting It Right Isn’t the Point

May 7, 2017

When I was five, some new people moved into the neighborhood. I was beyond excited. New people meant new kids to play with, new jungle gyms to hang upside down from, a new mother to ask some of the fifty billion questions I had that seemed to annoy everyone else. Fresh meat. But this new […]

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Again, I KNOW THERE ARE MEDS FOR THIS. Thank you for your concern.

May 4, 2017

It’s taper time again. Okay, not really taper time, just more like I’m about to run around a one mile loop for 6 days and I’m already sick of running so I should just quit while I’m ahead and wait for the suck to start time. Know what I mean? So this morning I slept […]

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