Can You Hallucinate When You Only Run 10 Miles?

March 30, 2013

Apparently, in Texas, yes. Or no. Or, yes if you have been drugged up on NyQuil all week (allegedly). I FINALLY, finally felt better this morning. Or so I thought. So, I went out for a quick 10 miler on the river. It was a beautiful morning and my goal was just to give it […]

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See Carilyn Run

March 29, 2013

So, because of my brief illness, Iā€™m a little behind on my mileage. But, I finally got myself in gear and managed to run 20 miles two days in a row. It was hard. Hubz said I was starting to sound like a whiner in my posts. And I was all, So now you decide […]

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When Being Dog Bait Is the Least of My Problems

March 28, 2013

You look yummy! Yummy, I tell you! And if you keep laughing at my ears, I will make sure to wash you down with a nice Chianti. It’s been a rough week. I’ve been sick with the plague. I haven’t really been able to run because of all the whiskey NyQuil coughing. But yesterday, I […]

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Running, Reality TV and Regrettable Behavior (or, Don’t Take NyQuil and Run)

March 27, 2013

As I was suffering from the plague yesterday, I felt it necessary to spend a day in bed. Because I heard that is how long it takes to recover from the plague. And everyone (i.e., Hubz) says it takes lots of NyQuil. And because I ALWAYS do what I’m told, I downed some of the […]

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Perfect Purveyor of the Black Death

March 26, 2013

Those were Hubz’s loving words to me this morning. Yes, he’s just that romantic. I’m sick. And I was innocently and lovingly trying to wheeze some cooties in his direction so that we could be sick together. I’m just that romantic, too. I mean, shouldn’t couples be sick together? But he didn’t appreciate being wheezed […]

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How Not To Die An Uncool Death (And a Free Arabic Lesson – You’re Welcome)

March 25, 2013

So, after all the kvetching I had to put up with to get my kids up and out on Saturday for the 12 hour drive to Texas, we still didn’t make it. Nope. My getting up at 5 a.m. to get in a quick run, then yelling at the boys to get moving, and finally, […]

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