How to Fuel for a Dance Moms Marathon (Or an 8 Hour Long Run)

April 19, 2013

As I sit in my bed eating Cocoa Puffs after a 10 miler, I once again am resisting the urge to googlestalk healthy recipes out of guilt. There are so many sites and blogs with fantastic healthy recipes that you could spend all day just clicking away – and then all night feeling bad about […]

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Whenever I Think I Might Be A Badass…

April 18, 2013

  Me trying to strike a badass trail pose. I fell flat about 45 seconds later. Every now and then I forget that I’m a runner and try to behave like a badass – or at the very least, a normal person. Mistake. The results of this brief lapse are usually painful or embarrassing – […]

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The Privilege of Living. And Running.

April 16, 2013

I don’t even know what to say this morning. At this time yesterday, I was so inspired after watching the elites run the Boston Marathon while I trudged along on my treadmill. Then, just a few hours later, I started seeing e-mails on the Ultralist about explosions. What? I couldn’t quite piece together what they […]

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35 Miles, No Richard Marx, No Crying = Success

April 15, 2013

Because I lack any sort of technological savvy, when my WordPress account was inaccessible on Thursday, I did what any other techno goob would do – I shut my computer and went out to lunch. When it didn’t magically resolve itself in the middle of the night (that’s how it works, right?), I had to […]

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I Am Officially a Member of the Stalkerazzi (Even If It Only Involved A Chicken)

April 10, 2013

So, yesterday, I gave you a short list of some of my “stalkees” – people I’m obsessively following right now. But, this morning, while running, I realized I left one of my most important victims off the list – The Bloggess. And the thing that prodded my memory was this: Yes, that is a big, […]

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Spring Stalking Trends (Or, Who You Should Be Obsessed With Right Now)

April 9, 2013

I haven’t posted about any of my stalking victims subjects recently because, well, I started getting a little nervous. Not about what the people would think (personally, I love it when someone is googlestalking me), but rather that I’d end up on some “list” somewhere, where people in dark suits with white shirts and skinny […]

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