The World Championships – Making Me Crazier Than Usual (And That’s Just Dangerous, According to Hubz)

May 5, 2013

So, I leave tomorrow for the Netherlands and I’m so excited!!!  I can’t wait to see Amsterdam – it looks so gorgeous. Finally, all those episodes of House Hunters International that I watch while working out will finally pay off. Score! I’m sure that watching couples shop for “canal homes” is way more helpful than […]

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If Hannibal Lechter and Martha Stewart Were Tapering (Their Conversation Would Probably Look Like This)

May 2, 2013

Conversation this morning with my running buddy, Alicia (and she said I could blog about it because she knows y’all already think I’m the crazy one). Alicia:  How’s the taper going? Me:  Good. I haven’t killed anyone yet. Alicia: That is good. Me:  Although I did fantasize about running a woman off the road after […]

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Uniformity (Or, How not to embarrass the USA when you don’t look like Kara Goucher)

April 30, 2013

It’s uniform time again. Which, as a woman, gets me very excited. Who doesn’t love getting a big box of cool running clothes and bags? The only problem? The uniforms are designed for the 20-30 year-old crowd that populates Team USA at the Olympics. Runners who look great in little red briefs and tankinis. But […]

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Mike Morton Is Clearly Saner Than I Am

April 26, 2013

So, it’s official. Mike Morton will not be part of Team USA this year. From his website: 4/26/2013 Thought I would explain why I am running the Keys 100 and not the 24 Hour Championship in Holland. I know some people are wondering. I would love to defend my title in the 24 Hour Championship, […]

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I’m Okay, But You Need Deep Psychological Counseling (Or, How Hubz tells me he cares)

April 24, 2013

Me:  I’m injured. Hubz:  How exactly are you injured? Me:  My achilles hurts. And my knee. Hubz:  Are you sure? Me:  What do you mean, am I sure? Hubz:  Are you sure they are actually injured? Or do you just think they are injured? Me:  What kind of question is that? Is this another one […]

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Teenager Mileage Equivalents (Or, How many miles can you add just because you have a teenager?)

April 23, 2013

So, my planned 8 hour run on Saturday turned into a 5.5 hour run when I got a frantic call from Son 1 that he’d been in an car accident. The phone call you never want to get. Except, in this scenario, at least it was his voice on the other end so I knew […]

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