Burn Baby, Burn. And Then Drink a Milkshake. (Or, how to recover from runner burnout)

September 7, 2013

I have no excuse for my absence. Well, actually, I have plenty of excuses but none that you want to hear or that are particularly interesting. Basically, I was burnt out, tired of commuting between Texas and California, tired of racing, tired of blogging. So, I pretended like I lived on a deserted island with […]

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Just So You Don’t Think I’m Dead

June 14, 2013

Still not really running (oh, no). Still operating off an iPad (oy vey). Still eating (oink oink). Here’s breakfast… (Yes, that is a cup of pure chocolate and heavy cream. No judging. I’m still recovering. ) Happy Running!      

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Something To Make When You Aren’t Running Enough To Justify A Dozen Doughnuts (Or Even One)

June 5, 2013

As you’ve probably figured out by now, when I’m not seriously training for anything, especially right after a big race, I tend to spend a lot of my extra energy thinking (okay, obsessing) about food – what new restaurant can I try? what should I make for lunch? do chocolate and turnips go together (no!). […]

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Why I Shouldn’t Be Allowed To Leave the Country (Part II)

June 3, 2013

After I finally made it to Amsterdam (without my laptop or iPad), I shared a cab to my hotel with some nice strangers from the Bay Area. Funny how I would never get in a car with complete strangers in my own neighborhood, but I’m perfectly willing to hitch a ride with potential serial killers […]

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Why I Should Not Be Allowed To Leave the Country (Part I)

May 24, 2013

Team USA and Team Canada – This is why I keep traveling! Remember how I was all braggy about getting to fly First Class to Worlds? Well, I should have made sure I made it fully intact before I started acting like Angelina Jolie. First Class seats, or rather “Pods”, are basically designed to be […]

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Worlds 2013 – How We Won Gold Even Though I Ran In A Laundry Bag (i.e., I had nothing to do with it)

May 21, 2013

(For awhile my posts are going to look weirder than usual. My laptop was “removed” in London, but hope springs eternal (or at least until next week) that it will turn up in Lost and Found. In the meantime, I’m posting on my iPad which is next to impossible for the technically challenged like me.) […]

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