I’m only going running because I want to keep you safe.

December 7, 2013

I’m only writing this post so that I can avoid going out for a run. Coffee in bed just seems like such a better idea. And I know I’m being totally lame because I don’t even have to do a long run since I’m tapering. I actually only need to do a very short run, […]

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I’m Clearly Getting Coal For Christmas. Surprise.

December 6, 2013

I have not bought a single gift for Christmas, yet. Ugh. I’m the worst Christmas shopper EVER. First of all, I hate shopping. Second, I have to have everything shipped to Texas and that just seems like a lot of organization – a skill set I don’t possess. I realize there is a new thing […]

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I’m Not Crazy, I’m Just Tapering. (or: Why Google Should Ban Tapering Runners)

December 5, 2013

The number 3 question I get asked most often (right behind, “What’s a typical training week for you?” and “Do you worry that Hubz is going to murder you in your sleep?”) is “What is the best way to taper?”. Since I am in the midst of a taper in prep for my race next […]

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Thanksgiving Report: I Didn’t Stab Anyone.

December 3, 2013

After pretty much every holiday, I come back to my real life a little out of sorts. This year, the “off” feeling seemed to be a little stronger than usual so I decided to look at it more closely. This is what I found: 1. I am either a 90 year-old woman trapped in 46 […]

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Is It Legal To Kill One Of Your Own Multiple Personalities (the bossy one)?

November 25, 2013

Since I’ve been pretty lame lately, running only flat looped courses and on the TM in preparation for Desert Solstice, Saturday I decided enough was enough. Time for mountains. But when I awoke Saturday morning, my Lazy Self (LS) needed a talking to: Me: Come on. Let’s go. If you plan to get a 20 […]

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Rain, Rain Go Away. Or Not. Because Then I Would Have To Go Outside To Do Speed Work. (But no matter what, I still get cookies)

November 22, 2013

Yesterday was Black Thursday. Or, more commonly known as Speed Work Day. Ugh. I only do speed work because everyone who is smarter and faster than I am does it. And I like to copy the cool kids. Like Pam Smith. And Sabrina Little. Because I’ve been spending way too much time on the treadmill […]

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