Beyond Limits 50 Mile Race Report (by his mother, of course)

March 31, 2014

*Warning: Sappy, braggy post below. He is my baby, even if he is 17. Please bear with me. When my son, Grant, said he wanted to run a 50 miler just to see if he could do it, my response was, “Maybe you should at least run a marathon first.” And I thought that was […]

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A Post That Would Make Jacques Cousteau AND Jacques Pepin Cringe

March 26, 2014

When I was somewhere around four years old, I learned how to swim. I’m not sure if it came before learning to read, or after, but it had a very similar effect on me. Suddenly, everything in my narrow view looked different, like I had fallen into Alice in Wonderland’s rabbit hole. There was a […]

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Being Well-Adjusted Is Overrated. Or So I’ve Heard.

March 25, 2014

I’ve run a lot since the New Year, trying to work out what the hell I wanted to do with my running. I even raced (unsuccessfully). Then I took my son to run (successfully) his first marathon. And next weekend, he will attempt his first 50 miler. So while I am still Sybil-ish in my […]

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Hill Training for Lazy People With OCD – Do This

January 21, 2014

I’m back to full-time training after my holiday break (i.e., calendar period characterized by over-consumption of gooey, sugary, yummy carb-laden items, Chardonnay, and things often described as “party food”).  What this means is that I am once again running a lot, spending too much time on’s calendar looking for races that meet my criteria […]

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A Schnauzer Made Me Do It: Running the PCT at Big Bear (Or, Clearly I Lack Good Judgment)

January 12, 2014

When my kids announced they wanted to go skiing up at Big Bear this weekend, rather than check out the snow conditions, I immediately got online to check out running routes. Falling on my butt while skiing? No. Falling on my face while running? Bring it. So, yesterday morning saw us winding our way up […]

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Christmas Report: What Did You Expect? No Costumes? As if.

January 9, 2014

Well, what would a trip for me be if I didn’t leave my laptop somewhere? I know none of you are surprised. In fact, I’m betting that many of you suspected it when I hadn’t posted for awhile. Or maybe you just thought I’d gone on another non-running/cake eating/coffee drinking bender. Alas, no. There was […]

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