Boozy Beer Bread

October 14, 2014

Editor’s (ahem…that’s me) note: For some reason that is way beyond my pay grade, the comments won’t display. I’ve been trying to fix it for a couple of weeks, but cannot figure out the glitch. Anyway, please keep commenting – I can see them but can’t comment back because YOU can’t see them – and […]

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I Get By With A Little Help From…People I Don’t Know

October 13, 2014

We are starting our fifth (and final) year of commuting between Texas and California. Besides the obvious perks of being on a first name basis with the entire staff of Southwest Airlines and the woman who works at the magazine kiosk in Terminal 1 of LAX, we’ve had a wonderful time getting the chance to […]

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Mad, Mad, Mad Mama and Macarons

October 10, 2014

Dropping a kid off at college is never easy.  Anxiety, sadness and excitement mixed with a good dose of jet lag have all the makings for a Maternal Meltdown.  The only thing keeping me from throwing my arms around my son and screeching, “You are too young to do this!  You can’t go to school […]

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If Only Heathcliff Were a Runner

September 17, 2014

We’re getting ready to head to London for a couple of weeks – and I couldn’t be more excited, and more depressed. Excited because Grant’s excited. Depressed because Grant’s excited. Sigh. Motherhood. The only profession where you get fired if you do your job right. Anyway, to keep myself from weeping openly the entire time […]

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Will Run For Food – Especially If It Comes From a Truck

September 15, 2014

When I first started thinking about running ultras, I literally used to “run for food”. I would head out on the road with a destination restaurant in mind, and then start running. The only two qualifiers were that it had to be less than 10 miles away (I had to be able to run home […]

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I’ve Been Tagged!

September 12, 2014

My friend over at ReadEatWriteRun tagged me last week – love it! I’m supposed to provide 10 random facts that y’all may not know. But since we all know I’m a big blabber mouth, it is doubtful that I’ve kept anything interesting to myself. So, sorry for the repeats and/or lameness that is forthcoming (I […]

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