Why I Keep Racing Even Though I Hate It (Or: Why I keep whining my way through 100 miles)

October 24, 2014

I hate racing.  There, I’ve said it.  And I can’t believe I’m the only one.  In fact, I’m convinced that race-hating is the dirty little secret of the running universe. Really, what is there to like about it?  You train for months, or years, just to suffer for hours (or days) all for a medal […]

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Isn’t It Ironic…Or Maybe We Just Weren’t Particularly Bright

October 22, 2014

Despite the recent “new trend”, food delivery was quite common in the ‘70s.  We had a milkman who delivered more than just plain milk.  If you were so inclined, he would leave cottage cheese, or butter, or, if you were really lucky, ice cream.  We were never that lucky. “It will melt all over the […]

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Saving Yourself With an Ice Ax…or a Chocolate Chip Cookie

October 20, 2014

The summer between my Sophomore and Junior years of college I went to school in the south of France to learn, what else, French (because it is such a useful language when you live on the border of Mexico). Like most girls of the era, I was a devout francophile, convinced that someday I would […]

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Kung Pao Chicken Wontons with Peanut Butter and Jelly

October 17, 2014

Back when I was in law school, there was no such thing as a foodie – at least not in Lubbock, Texas. People who spent too much time thinking about food were called obsessed. Or persnickety. Or just plain odd. But whatever those kind of people were called, I was one of them. I spent […]

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Not That There’s Anything Wrong With Doughnuts

October 16, 2014

Growing up as a competitive swimmer on a traveling team, I spent a lot of time “on the road” (I’ve always wanted to use that expression – Helloooo, Willie!) going to swim meets throughout Texas and the Southwest – Dallas, Austin, Amarillo, Tucson, Albuquerque. For about seven years, it felt like I was away from […]

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The Glass Kitchen Giveaway – Win a Copy of Linda Francis Lee’s newest book!

October 15, 2014

You’ve met my sister, Linda, on this blog before. I tend to be a little braggy about her because I think she’s perfect. I want to be like her when I grow up. In my mind, she will always be Barbie – tall, blonde, beautiful – and I will always be Skipper – shorter, less […]

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