When In South Korea…Even If You End Up With a Whole Fish Giving You the Hairy Eyeball

January 27, 2015

Asian food was not easy to come by in El Paso, Texas when I was young. Or, should I say, good Asian food. As a result, I didn’t know much about it beyond Sesame Chicken and funky egg rolls with neon pink dipping sauce. And I loved it. But I also loved frozen waffles and […]

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Sometimes You Really Do Just Need A Banana

January 23, 2015

When I was about twelve I, like most girls that age, started to fill out. No surprise. Except that I was a competitive swimmer being coached by a young, daughterless man who didn’t have the first clue about how to deal with young girls and their weird, sprouting bodies. He put me on a diet. […]

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You Say Potato, I Say Leek (but we’re still all in this together, people)

January 21, 2015

My Bluebird troop was a mixed bag.  And I mean that in the best way possible.  We had big girls and little girls, girls with parents who were divorced, girls who lived with their grandparents.  We had rich girls and poor girls.  We even had a girl who would later decide she didn’t even want […]

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Yes, I AM Too Tired To Defrost the Chicken! (Soup for a Post-Race/Post-Holiday Full Body Hangover)

January 10, 2015

It’s hard to get back into training after a looooooong holiday season (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s, four cities, 2400 miles by car). I think even without running 200 miles at Across the Years I’d still be exhausted just from all of the holidayishness. You too? But the double whammy of this holiday/race conundrum is that […]

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Will Run For Food (Seriously). Across the Years Food, I Mean Race, Report

January 7, 2015

A new year! Woop Woop! We made it. Maybe with a few more wrinkles, but we made it. My biggest lesson of 2014: Chicken strips at mile 150 are da’ bomb! Okay, that really wasn’t my biggest lesson, but I’m saving my existential angst post for another day. You know, the one about growing older, […]

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You Came Here For Running And All You Got Was A Damn Iguana

December 29, 2014

Hello Friends! I haven’t posted on here in awhile because I haven’t had much to say in the running department. And since this is primarily a running blog, I thought you might feel like you would if you walked into a hardware store trying to find a hammer and instead ended up going home with […]

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