Sometimes Even Gwyneth Needs a Makeover – Banana Date Walnut Muffins

May 13, 2015

Banana Date Walnut Muffins I bought Gwyneth Paltrow’s cookbook, It’s All Good, on a whim. I don’t follow GP’s blog, or anything, but was captivated by the book for two reasons: 1) the pictures are Gor! Geous!; and 2) she’s Gor! Geous! in the gorgeous pictures. She looks simply amazing – healthy, fit, rested. I […]

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Sticky Toffee Pudding – Sometimes the Only Thing That Stands Between You and a Meltdown in a Foreign Country

May 11, 2015

With a son in London, I’ve been to the UK three times in the last two years. Always somewhat of an Anglophile, it has been a fun adventure to hop across the pond and practice my British accent (Let’s just hop on the Tube and grab a spot of tea and a scon [people in […]

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My Judgy Puppy Would Wow Tyra Banks (or, Why all my treadmill time is totally going to pay off)

February 19, 2015

Well, I guess it’s time for a running post since this is a running blog, and all. Or sort of a running blog. Because I do run. Really. I know it might not seem like it. I know it probably appears that I spend all of my time eating a bunch of crap, reading recipes, […]

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I’m Not Going To Hell Just So Y’all Can Eat Fancy Soup (or, How I’m Justifying Failing to Post What I Promised)

February 17, 2015

Okay, I know I’m a complete and total liar about the lobster bisque – I did not post it before Valentine’s Day, as I sort-of promised. Here’s my excuse: no one in my family wanted lobster bisque and I didn’t want to kill another lobster just for the sake of a photo for the blog. […]

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If You Don’t Have Opposable Thumbs and Are Reading This, I Know How To Make Lobster Bisque

February 10, 2015

I don’t have a food post (or even a running post) for you today because I’m being held hostage by my new puppy, Scout. Well, I guess I should say our new puppy, but let’s be honest: we all know that only one person is picking up poop, making sure she plays well with the […]

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Fancy Schmancy Cooking School Jargon Just So You Know I’m Getting My Money’s Worth

January 29, 2015

I’ve finished Week 3 of culinary school and just wanted to let y’all know that I haven’t blown myself up or cut off any digits. Yet. There are still 17 weeks to go, so my digits aren’t completely out of the woods. And, not just because I have remained disaster-free (there are many, many reasons), […]

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