Potato Soup (Or: A Meal For Holes in Your Head or Heart)

January 12, 2016

Wisdom teeth, children heading back to schools far, far away, the continued rattling in my chest, and comfort foods are the things on my mind these days. And in that list, as you can see, only comfort foods are, well, comforting. The rest are just the niggling bumps of life – dental appointments, empty nests […]

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Chicken and Rice Soup (Or: It’s All Because No One in My Family Bothered to Go to Medical School)

January 7, 2016

So I’m now over a week into this cold from hell and it’s still hanging around, taking up space in my chest and head. I’m thinking about naming it. Something like Plague Ferdinand or Contagion Calypso, like how they name hurricanes and deadly storms. And tyrants. Am I whining? Sorry. I was just really looking […]

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Mom’s Apple Cake (Or: When Running Gives You Lemons, Make Something Unrelated)

January 5, 2016

So, after all that, I sucked at Across the Years. All the 200 mile weeks, extra rest, (semi) clean diet (let’s be reasonable, people), and months of planning, I only made it 138 miles before turning into a background zombie from the Walking Dead. Yep, it got ugly. Things seemed to be going pretty well […]

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One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (Or: Yes, I’m tapering. Thanks for asking.)

December 21, 2015

I’ve said it before, too many times to count, I know, but I hate, hate, hate tapering. I love the idea of tapering (sleeping in, not having my schedule taken over by my always-looming next run, wearing something besides spandex tights), but the not-running part? Not so much. I really love to run. I love […]

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Chocolate Stout Cake Parfaits (Or, Beer Cake Bliss – Redundant, Yes?)

November 23, 2015

Sometimes you make something that is a disaster but simultaneously wonderful. Kind of like a lot of things in life, right? You almost fail out of school, then meet your future husband because he offers to tutor you. You lose a job, but then are finally forced to go do what you really love. You […]

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Peppermint Ice Cream (Or, How the Grinch Stole Thanksgiving)

November 19, 2015

Yeah, I know, we haven’t even made it through Thanksgiving and I’m already onto Christmas desserts. I’m like Jingle Bell Rock in September at the mall. I get it, I get it. But I don’t care because Thanksgiving desserts are so…meh. I mean, come on, the signature dish is a pie made out of a […]

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