When Life Gives You Coconuts and ABBA, Make a Pina Colada

April 9, 2016

I got injured over Spring Break. The minute I heard the “pop” behind my knee, I knew I was screwed. “Pops” are never, ever good. Sometimes, “pops” don’t even heal. So I swam. Every day. A boat would drop me off far from our resort, and I would swim in. Or I would swim to […]

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What to Stuff Your Belly With After a Run – Orange Orange Almond Ricotta Cake (gluten free, vegetarian)

March 1, 2016

Back to it, people. After a month (January) of being sick as a dog, and most of another month (February) waffling around on how I wanted to train in this cycle, I’m finally back in the groove. Groovy. This means I’m running rather than shuffling, cussing, complaining, whining, and generally being a pain in the […]

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Cabbage and Sausage Casserole (Or: I Told You Being Lazy Can Work In Your Favor)

January 21, 2016

I don’t even know what to say about this recipe. Deb made me do it? It’s all Deb’s fault? Let me just start with: I’m not a fan of anything (okay, I do love butter and bread, but they don’t count) in this recipe, so who’s the dope for trying it in the first place? […]

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Lemon Cupcakes (Or: Your Parents Don’t Love You As Much As You Think They Do)

January 19, 2016

My mom has a green thumb like nobody’s business. So, growing up, even though we were city dwellers who essentially lived on bedrock, we were never short on fresh peaches, apricots, and other more sporadic bounties (a year of watermelons, a couple of seasons of strawberries, and maybe some cantaloupe). And we, the kids – […]

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My Husband Used the J Word. Time to Buy Some Goldfish.

January 18, 2016

Tim:  Why are waking me up at 4:30 in the morning? Me:  Because I have to start running again. Tim:  But I thought you said you weren’t training for awhile. Me:  This isn’t training. This is running. Tim:  Ooooookay, so if it’s just running, why do you have to do it at 4:30? Me:  Because […]

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Sticky Toffee Pudding (Or: Ground Control to Professor Snape)

January 14, 2016

Yesterday, while I happily cracked, scooped, whipped, drizzled and licked baked this Sticky Toffee Pudding, my only thoughts were about how much I love British desserts, the UK, and Brits, in general. If you have been reading this blog for any length of time, this comes as no surprise, and frankly, you probably read most […]

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