Giving Thanks: Alcohol, A Full Set of Teeth, and a Coffee Addiction (not necessarily in that order)

by Carilyn on December 21, 2013

Yesterday, we drove 13 hours from Los Angeles to El Paso. The Christmas holiday has officially begun! Woop!

During the drive, I had plenty of time to reflect (while holding the steering wheel in a death grip trying to avoid haboobs and later, massive rain/snow storms. I swear, California hordes all the good weather, and then the minute you cross the border, whoosh – wind, dust, rain and snow. I think the state has a pact with the devil. Or Tom Cruise.) on a few things I am thankful for this holiday season.

1.  My nightguard. Because I’m a little high strung (surprise!), I grind my teeth at night and have to wear a nightguard – the adult equivalent of a linebacker’s mouthpiece crossed with those fake wax lips. Very attractive. But it keeps me from ending up with a headache and little nubs for teeth. It also keeps Hubz from getting having to smack me to “stop chewing on boulders” (exact quote) while he’s trying to sleep. Win/win.

2.  Good earplugs. Because it is so quiet in Texas, every little noise sounds like a freight train. Not that I’m saying Hubz’s snoring sounds like a freight train. Or a jet hurtling down a runway at full throttle. Or the Matterhorn ride at Disneyland. Yeesh! Y’all sure like to jump to conclusions.

3.  Strong coffee. Really, I don’t even know what to say about my love of coffee. Frankly, the only reason I even get out of bed in the morning is that I can’t wait to have my first cup. And I’m not joking. My addiction love is strong and fierce. My children call Starbucks my “mother ship”. I consider it my most stable relationship.

4.  Chardonnay. Sparkly, golden nectar that makes every holiday a little more joyful. A glass of chardonnay erases all need for pre-holiday therapy, as suddenly, everyone around you appears incredibly well-adjusted. Warning: more than 2 glasses have the opposite effect. Just sayin’.

5.  Wide open spaces. As much as I love the California weather (Thanks, Tom!), I love the wide open spaces of Texas even more. The minute I open my eyes on my first morning back, I can’t wait to get out and run. And run. And run. Because here you can go on forever, without risk of getting hit by a bus, or having to stop at 27 stoplights during a 6 mile run. Just be careful of the coyotes. And rattlesnakes. And Border Patrol agents who might mistake you for a drug mule.

What are you thankful for this holiday? 

Happy Running!




Juan December 21, 2013 at 8:44 am

Welcome back. On Dec 24 Run El Paso will be running Cristo Rey at 6:30 a.m. We will be parking at the bottom of Ardovino’s Desert Crossing. It is around an 8 mile route. Please come. It is a great annual event.

Kim December 21, 2013 at 12:15 pm

I’m with you on the wine gig!!!
Glad y’all had a safe trip to the #1 state!!!
Kim recently posted…There’s No Cheating in 44s!!My Profile

Char December 21, 2013 at 2:29 pm

My first present this year was a can of Chardonnay. And yes, I didn’t type that incorrectly – I did mean can. Who knew wine came in cans? This actually makes cask wine look top shelf.
Char recently posted…Finding My Christmas SpiritMy Profile

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