Only Because I Couldn’t Upload a Photo of a Castle

by Carilyn on September 4, 2012

I was hoping to post something really entertaining (or at least full of interesting facts from Germany), but we havehard next to no Internet connection this whole trip. Every time I tried to uploadI anything, I was dropped, so I finally just quit – my patience is equivalent to a 5 year-old’s. I’m also trying to type on my iPad, and it keeps auto correcting things like “typing” to “Tupperware”. Aghhhh! And since I had to quit drinking beer in prep for the race, I switched to coffee for my “relaxing” afternoons, thus ensuring my inability to sit still long enough to write anything remotely interesting.

But, I promise to try to at least update our Team stuff after I get to the Athlete’s Village (assuming we have Internet).

P.S. I know there are typos in here, but every time I try to fix them, my screen locks up and I have to start over! Help!

P.P.S. So far, I only have 126 photos of German castles. Consider yourself lucky that I have no idea how to post photos.

P.P.P.S. I’m so sorry for all the blogs I’m missing reading! I miss y’all, and will catch up after I get back and can actually read and post comments.

Happy Running!


Char September 4, 2012 at 2:44 pm

When do you actually race? If I can work out the time difference I’ll send out the strongest endurance and energy vibes that I can (which is a little ironic seeing as I’ve had post-viral fatigue this year). If I screw up the time conversion it may unfortunately give you one of the most restless nights you’ve ever had so I’ll do my best.

Kate September 4, 2012 at 7:46 pm

Have fun! Savor the experience! Good luck!

Anne September 5, 2012 at 5:29 am

You certainly have your set of challenges. Tempermental technology. Caffeine instead of alcohol. Oh my. Can’t wait to see those castle photos … eventually. Good luck with the running.

pensive pumpkin September 5, 2012 at 8:13 pm

oh wow are you on the Rhine? it’s like “look! a castle! look! another castle!” LOL

have fun!!! -first I typed have fund. i hope you have that too. that would suck. : )

Marcia September 10, 2012 at 7:58 am

Can’t wait to hear all about your adventure! Yes, IPads pretty much suck for blogging.

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