I was hoping to post something really entertaining (or at least full of interesting facts from Germany), but we havehard next to no Internet connection this whole trip. Every time I tried to uploadI anything, I was dropped, so I finally just quit – my patience is equivalent to a 5 year-old’s. I’m also trying to type on my iPad, and it keeps auto correcting things like “typing” to “Tupperware”. Aghhhh! And since I had to quit drinking beer in prep for the race, I switched to coffee for my “relaxing” afternoons, thus ensuring my inability to sit still long enough to write anything remotely interesting.
But, I promise to try to at least update our Team stuff after I get to the Athlete’s Village (assuming we have Internet).
P.S. I know there are typos in here, but every time I try to fix them, my screen locks up and I have to start over! Help!
P.P.S. So far, I only have 126 photos of German castles. Consider yourself lucky that I have no idea how to post photos.
P.P.P.S. I’m so sorry for all the blogs I’m missing reading! I miss y’all, and will catch up after I get back and can actually read and post comments.
Happy Running!
When do you actually race? If I can work out the time difference I’ll send out the strongest endurance and energy vibes that I can (which is a little ironic seeing as I’ve had post-viral fatigue this year). If I screw up the time conversion it may unfortunately give you one of the most restless nights you’ve ever had so I’ll do my best.
Have fun! Savor the experience! Good luck!
You certainly have your set of challenges. Tempermental technology. Caffeine instead of alcohol. Oh my. Can’t wait to see those castle photos … eventually. Good luck with the running.
oh wow are you on the Rhine? it’s like “look! a castle! look! another castle!” LOL
have fun!!! -first I typed have fund. i hope you have that too. that would suck. : )
Can’t wait to hear all about your adventure! Yes, IPads pretty much suck for blogging.
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