So, because of my brief illness, I’m a little behind on my mileage. But, I finally got myself in gear and managed to run 20 miles two days in a row. It was hard. Hubz said I was starting to sound like a whiner in my posts. And I was all, So now you decide to read my blog. And judge?! And he was like, Yeah, because you keep writing about me, so it makes me nervous. But this week all you’ve done is complain. And I was like, I was complaining because I had the plague, thank you very much, and all that damn NyQuil you kept feeding me just made me sick and drunk. In fact, I think you were trying to See Jane Run me. And he was like, Whatever that means. And I was all, You know exactly what I’m talking about! That Joanna Kerns movie from the ‘90s where the husband keeps drugging up the wife to keep her submissive and make her think she’s going crazy. And he was all, That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. And the most paranoid. And I said, Of course you would say that. That’s your cover for drugging me. And he was all, With NyQuil? Trust me, if I ever drug you it will be with something that doesn’t make you sing Dancing Queen in your sleep. So annoying. And I said, Quit reading my blog. And he said, My pleasure. But stop whining. And stop writing about me!
So, I am (going to stop whining, not stop writing about him). I ran a lot of miles. A LOT of miles. Especially for a sick person. A sick person who is running at altitude. And getting chased by cats. And I’m doing the best I can, so just get off my back.
Oh, wait. Sorry, I was still arguing with Hubz.
Back to you. And us.
I’m running. I’m lifting. I’m still eating entirely too much candy and too many cupcakes, but I’m back in the saddle, so to speak.
I think I’ve turned the corner on my plague, so by the time I’m back in LA, I should (hopefully) be able to resume my regular training schedule.
But I was lying about not whining.
Please don’t drug me.
So, what’s wrong with Dancing Queen? It’s better to sing it in your sleep than have to hear it on a loop tape for 24 hours 😉 Glad to hear you’re back in the saddle….. and see you soon!!
I’m so excited to read your site – I’m training for my first 50 mile race (it’s not till October). I don’t know any ultra runners, just thought this would be fun – if it is I’m planning to do a 100 next!!!
I’m sure I can learn a lot reading over here!!
Kim recently posted…A Positive and a Negative
Ha! I think Korea is why I sing ABBA in my sleep – I’m scarred for life, Debbie! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, Kim! And good luck with your training for your 50!
Nyquil really should be available only by prescription. It’s way better than narcotics. I mean, that’s what I hear. I love that you sing ABBA in your sleep when drugged.
Kirstin C (@ultrarunnergirl) recently posted…Quote of the Month
20 a day is too much for anybody, not even a sick person.
olga recently posted…Syllamo races, family version.
It is SO strong, Kirstin! Yikes! And I wish Hubz agreed with you about ABBA 🙂
I know, Olga, but my OCD likes round numbers 🙂
You are such a rockstar, plague or not. Dancing Queen is the bomb, BTW. Timeless. Classic. That’s what I keep telling my kids.
Thank you, Marcia! And I love ABBA and Hubz can just wear some earplugs 🙂
I’ve heard Nyquil can make you paranoid if taken in excess. Just saying.
Char recently posted…And Now For The Good News
And now I think I’m hallucinating, Char! 🙂
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