A Long Journey

by Carilyn on June 13, 2011

As I wrote in my last post, since I have been so wiped out, not sleeping well, and losing weight (unintentionally), I decided that this weekend would be all about long, slow distance.  My body (and mind) just couldn’t take another intense long run, even after two days off.  Saturday and Sunday I decided to just get up whenever I awoke, have my coffee, meditate, and then head out with no exact plan other than to be on my feet for 6 hours.  I will spare you the details here (you can see some of the pics from Saturday’s excursion in the post below), but I wanted to post my last photo of the Sunday excursion.  I was almost done, physically and mentally, but found myself in a neighborhood I had never seen before.  When I reached the corner, I looked up at the street sign to get my bearings, and this is what I saw:

State of Grace

At that moment, when I just wanted to be home, done with the “run”, done with my thoughts, showered, fed, resting, I was reminded that we are always in a state of grace.  We are alive, we are breathing, and often, we are lucky enough to be out in the world coming upon unexpected joys and moments of surprise.  Yes, sometimes we need to stop and rest, and sometimes we just need to keep going, one step at a time.

Happy Running!


SteveQ June 13, 2011 at 8:18 am

How cool! I usually end up seeing a sign that reads “Dead End” right at a cemetery.

olga June 13, 2011 at 8:58 am

Sounds like you got what you were looking for:)

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