I had a wonderful run this morning with the group. Usually, I hang at the back, knowing I have a couple more workouts in my day. But this morning, I really wanted to catch up with my 3:00 hour-ish marathoning – friend, Angie, so I had no choice but to pick up the pace. And what fun it was! We did a quick 6 miler, and then finished it off with an easy 2 mile cool down. I haven’t done any focused running in months, so it was a real treat to feel like a runner again. Later in the day, I made it to the gym for 7 more miles on the treadmill and some weights. Fun day!
I have picked up a few more coaching clients, and instead of feeling overwhelmed, I really feel inspired by them. It is so fun to talk to someone really jazzed by the prospect of breaking 3:00 hours, or running their first 50, or qualifying for Boston. The enthusiasm is infectious! I am already making plans for my racing season. I guess sometimes we need to just get out of our heads and see that there is a whole lot going on besides what it happening in front of us.
On a semi-related note, tonight they are voting on the nominees to the Sports Hall of Fame. I was nominated in the Athlete category, and I was so stunned and honored, that I could hardly believe it. I have to say, though I don’t think I will get in, I am totally grateful that anyone would consider me. Anyway, I will keep you posted. **Update, I didn’t get into the Hall of Fame, but that is okay. It really was nice to be nominated.
Tonight was chicken fettucine with vodka sauce, a tossed salad, and chocolate covered strawberries (which Grant made). My kids just got spacers today (for braces), and they are in a little bit of pain, thus, dinner had to be soft and easily chewed. I had to sort of make up the recipe, so I can’t post any guidelines. Basically, cook the chicken with olive oil and spices (garlic, oregano, onion, etc.) and then toss it with vodka sauce, cream, and butter (yes, I know, I know.).
Reading several good books – I will update later.
Happy Running!
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