Okay, since I’m still undecided on my racing plans for 2010, I have decided I will just keep blogging on other subjects 🙂
First, and most importantly, Food. I went and bought fresh green chile con queso tamales yesterday, and they were absolutely delicious! I’m not a big fan of regular red tamales, because the inside meat creeps me out. But chile con queso tamales, with fresh roasted green chiles? Oh my gosh! You can’t beat them. We had them for dinner last night, with a salad, and then I had one again this morning for breakfast.
Second, Running. Or something like it. I ran an easy 3 miles around the neighborhood after sleeping in this morning. At 3:00 am, two ambulances careened into our neighborhood. I’m not sure what was going on, but it definitely got my adrenaline going. During my run, I did a quick sleuthing session to see if I could see what prompted their nocturnal visit, but nothing seemed amiss. I hope whomever they visited is okay.
Later in the morning, I did a 12 mile mountain bike ride on the river. It was such a nice ride – no wind, not too hot, not too cold. I don’t ride to often, so it was a wonderful change of pace. My quads are even a little tight now 🙂 This evening, I did another easy run just to loosen up my legs. Really, no significant miles were accumulated today, and that’s okay. Well, sort of. I still feel guilty, but not guilty enough to go run some more.
Third. Okay, there really isn’t a third, but I feel like no list is complete without a third. We had a great Spring Break in San Diego – weather was perfect. The boys were able to surf and boogie board, and I was able to run on the beach. Everyone was happy.
I read today that women tend to swing like a pendulum between depenndence and competition, and that they won’t find true happiness until they find wholeness rather than the two extremes. Do you think that is true? And if it is true, how do you find wholeness?
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