by Carilyn on November 16, 2009

People need joy. Quite as much as clothing. Some of them need it far more.
— Margaret Collier Graham

The joy of running. The joy of Fall. The joy of love and laugther. The joy of a good book. Right now, I am experiencing all, and I feel very blessed. Nothing extraordinary or new is happening, just training and living, but it all feels joyful. Today is supposed to be a rest day, but I anticipate some schedule problems at the end of the week, so I’m doing an easy 6 just to put it in the bank – no OCD here! While I’m running on the treadmill, I have a brisket cooking, making me simultaneously want to eat and run at the same time!

Currently, I am reading “Lit,” by Mary Karr. Now, if you read “The Liar’s Club,” you know that she had one totally messed up childhood. It was a great, albeit painful, memoir. Her new book is how, after the publication of her hugely successful memoir, she spiraled down into alcoholism and depression and then came back out. I just love a good memoir! I will keep you posted on how it is.

I’m really trying to ramp up my training in hopes of a good solid race in December. I haven’t raced since the Worlds in Italy last May. Yikes! As you know, ramping up for me just means more miles. I just can’t get excited about speedwork or trails. I ran 31 with my friend Jim at Javelina a few weeks ago, but that was the extent of my trail running. It was fun, but not what I love to do. I still love reading my friends’ blogs who are trail runners, because I am in awe of them, but I go back to my road running. This week, I should have 125-130 miles, depending on what happens over the weekend. The end of the year is approaching, so I need to keep going!

Okay, back to it. Hope everyone is getting some good runs in!

Happy running!


SteveQ November 17, 2009 at 9:41 am

I have to go to trails just to see friends, who've gotten used to my falling repeatedly in front of them (and later, behind them). It's hard to get trail runners to join me for a long road run.

I'm reading two very old memoirs: "Journal of the Plague Year" by Daniel Defoe and "The Diary of Samuel Pepys." 1664-6 in London had plague and then burned down. Makes my life seem more secure.

olga November 22, 2009 at 8:03 am

I've been doing road running now more than lately since I have to put some miles before early work start. It ain't that bad:) and it surely does make me work on my speed, or lack thereof. I actually am improving, so not all is lost to me. As much as I am a trail junkie, I always said – only if I add roads (and hopefully track soon) can I become a faster runner. Trail runs get faster because of this too.

Jim Weddell December 16, 2009 at 4:11 pm

Well, I appreciate you running trails there at Javelina.

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