by Carilyn on October 21, 2009

You don’t get to choose how you’re going to die. Or when. You can only decide how you are going to live. Now.
– Joan Baez

This past weekend, some friends and I went to Denver to visit a running buddy who recently relocated to the area. We decided to run the Denver Marathon for fun, and just have a relaxed, casual weekend. It just so happened that our buddy was also turning 50, so we made sure to have a special time full of laughter, exploration, eating and running. We had some wonderful meals in downtown Denver, went to a jazz club, ran trails, and finished it all up with grilled steaks at another friend’s house after the marathon. The perfect weekend! The only glitch in the whole plan was that I came down with something and have been sick since Sunday – yuck! Whatever it is, my kids have it too, and it won’t go away. Half of their school is out sick, with several kids in the hospital. They are saying it is the H1N1 virus, but who knows. We aren’t that sick, just down and out a little bit.

Needless to say, I have not run since Sunday. And the weather is glorious right now, so I am staring out the window, pining away for a good run. I love Fall and I hate to miss a day outdoors. I may cheat and go for a walk in a little bit, even though I’m supposed to be in bed. I’m going crazy, so I figure that means I’m recovering. A little fresh air will do me good, right?

I was hoping to continue my increase in weekly mileage, but I guess it will have to wait until next week. Three days off are going to be hard to make up on the mileage tally. I’m also leaving town again this weekend, but hopefully will be able to get some miles in while I’m away. As I’m typing this, I realize I’m describing a recovery week. Not that I needed another one after my last few recovery months! You would think I would have been so well rested I wouldn’t have gotten sick!

Happy running!

{ 1 comment }

Jamie Donaldson October 21, 2009 at 2:51 pm

I wish I would have known you were in CO! Glad you got to be here when it was so pretty. Today is 30degrees and snowing!

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