by Carilyn on January 1, 2009

Rock On 2009!

You only live once – but if you work it right, once is enough. – Joe E. Lewis

Whew! 2009 is finally here! I was ready to close the book on 2008 and get busy with a new year! I just turned in my first column as President of Run El Paso, our local running club. I am super excited about serving because this is one of the greatest groups of people I know. We have the best time training for, and planning, our races, logging in the miles, and having post-long run breakfasts. It is a very diverse group, which makes it that much more fun to be a member.

I’m also feeling healthy – yeah! My achilles feels strong, I’m rested, and I’m ready to get back to work. As much as I complained about the time off, it has done me a world of good. Some niggling little issues that plagued me before Korea are completely resolved, and had I not been forced to stop to rest my achilles, they very well could have become BIG issues in 2009. Sometimes life steps in and makes decisions for us that we think are negative, but in reality, serve us far better than the ones we make for ourselves.

Because of my achilles setback, I have not made a race schedule for 2009. I think I will try to get in a 50 miler in March and then go for the big race in May. I hope to run a couple other races in the Fall/Winter months, maybe try for Javelina Jundred this year. I’ve always wanted to do it, but needed to run Ultracentric, and they are at the same time. In the meantime, I am ready to get my running miles up and my cross-training miles down 🙂

On the personal front, I am ready for some new adventures! I’m hoping to get a chance to do some diving, one of my favorite activities, but hard to do when you live in El Paso. Last year, we got so sick in Hawaii that I never had the chance to dive. Hopefully, we can fix that this year. I’d also like to do some skiing before the snow melts. I’m not particulary good at it, but I want my kids to be comfortable skiing, so I am going to suck it up and go. On the random front, I think I’m going to buy a canoe or kayak. I’ve been going back and forth on it for a couple of years, but this year I’m going to get one. Even if I only use it here and there, I think it will be fun to have. Finally, I want to sign up for for the St. Croix reef swim (, a five mile open water swim around a reef in the Caribbean. I love the Caribbean, the water is warm and clear, there aren’t too many sharks, and there are so many different islands to visit, each with its own personality and flavor.

I’m really enjoying reading everyone’s plans for the new year. Thanks for sharing them with all of us out here in Bloggertopia!

Happy Running!

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