by Carilyn on May 30, 2008

Week in Review

First, to report about my Saturday running situation (OCD v. Slothness), Slothness prevailed. I stayed in bed until 8:00, drank coffee and read my book. It was heaven! The only reason I ventured forth at 8:00 was because we wanted to go see a friend play baseball and I felt it was important to wear something other than my pajamas – 11 year olds embarrass so easily! Sunday was more productive – a 20 mile run on the canals. I ran the first 12 with my friend Tony, and then finished up alone because he is running the San Diego Marathon this weekend.

This week I’ve taken it fairly easy, limiting my runs to 8 miles, with one hill workout, one tempo workout, and one stride workout. I’ve done some light lifting and core work, but not much else because I have been very busy at my kids’ school helping with the end of the year project. Because they are “graduating” from elementary school, the class does a project for the school. This year, each child is painting a ceiling tile with a cool design and his/her name. At first, I was a little skeptical because I assumed trying to get 110 fifth graders to paint 4 feet by 2 feet ceiling tiles would be a nightmare, but it turned out awesome! The kids were really enthusiastic and easy to work with, fully embracing the project. My guess is this is the last time I’m going to be welcomed by my kids to help on a school project. My understanding is that middle school is a whole different kettle of fish! Anyway, we all had a great time, but I’m tired. I don’t know how teachers do it. We need to pay them more!

This weekend, I plan to do two shorter runs, just to keep the legs moving, and then I will take it really easy next week. We leave Thursday, fly to Chicago, stay overnight and then head to Whitewater. I’m looking for somewhere yummy to eat in Chicago (fairly close to Midway) because I haven’t been there in years. Any and all suggestions are welcome! I’m hoping to hook up with Bob sometime while we’re there. It is so much fun to meet people from running cyberspace!

Have a great weekend! Happy running!

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