by Carilyn on May 23, 2008

Pacer Found!

I am so excited – I have a pacer for Kettle Moraine 100! Yeah! I had pretty much decided that I was going to have to toughen up, take a page out of Olga‘s training manual, and run the race alone. In the dark. With lions and tigers and bears, oh my! But then, when I thought all hope was lost, my friend, Roy Pirrung, found me an awesome pacer – Jerry Cameron! Now, most of you know that Roy is a record holding runner from Wisconsin, the home of KM100. In a last ditch effort to avoid being eaten by a raccoon in my first real 100 mile trail run, I e-mailed Roy, hoping he would know of a kind soul who lived near the KM course. And he did (Roy knows everyone, so my chances were pretty good 🙂 Jerry seems like a super guy and an experienced trail runner – just what I need. We’ve been e-mailing this week and it seems like a great fit. I am so happy and relieved!

This week has been really light, except for the eating. It seems the less I run, the more cupcakes I must consume. Four. In two days. And a big piece of chocolate cake today. Yum. Scott, who is usually a little unhappy with my high mileage, wanted me to ramp it up a little (seems he was under the impression that I was doing a two week taper instead of three – and not spending my off hours bellied up to the cupcake bar). So, this means that I need to do another long run on Sunday to meet the numbers he set out for me. Hmmm.

I’m planning to sleep in tomorrow, drink coffee in bed, and then MAYBE head out for 15 miles or so. The OC in me can’t stand to not meet the mileage Scott prescribed, but the lazy sloth in me really wants to lie in bed and watch Top Chef reruns. I won’t know which of my personalities will win until tomorrow morning. I’ll keep you posted. But I promise that I will be on the canals on Sunday, putting in some miles, and enjoying the beginning of summer!

Happy Running!

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