Aim Low

by Carilyn on May 7, 2014

Most cities have a catchy little descriptor to make them more appealing.

El Paso – The Sun City

Los Angeles – City of Angels


Most of us people do, too.

Dean Karnazes – Ultramarathon Man

Roz Savage – Ocean Rower


But recently, I saw this


And I thought, Yes. Why not just aim a little lower and always be satisfied? Why do I describe myself as “ultrarunner” or “lawyer” when nobody is then impressed when I brag about flossing, or not falling down, or going three full days without unintentionally offending someone? Why set myself up for constantly disappointing?

So, from now on, I’m going to take Arcadia’s lead and just be:

Carilyn Johnson – Person Who Flosses, Here and There.

Or, better yet, Carilyn Johnson – Person Who Breathes.

Yes. Perfect.



Yulan Lin May 7, 2014 at 10:29 am

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with a “City of Homes” Home is where the heart is. A house is a building…..
… says the person who lives within a stones throw of that sign. 😀

On another note:
Yulan Lin: A person

Carilyn May 7, 2014 at 12:22 pm

Yulan, I love nothing more than something that catches me off guard and makes me laugh out loud, so WIN for Arcadia. And frankly, it’s a lot better than the Windy City (Chicago) – who came up with that? Plus, one of my favorite people lives in Arcadia, so I will always be a fan 🙂

Kim May 7, 2014 at 2:37 pm

Well, I’m impressed that you floss, happy that you breath and think that you are a rockstar ultra marathoner!!!
Yesterday an acquaintance asked me if I had run since it was so gorgeous out – I told her this week was all about rest and some light running since I’m running a 50 mile race on Saturday. She said, “Oh, have fun.” I thought it was a funny response because if someone told me they were running 50 miles I would have way more to say than that but I will try to have fun.
Kim recently posted…Pushing Past Failure in Order to Fulfill a DreamMy Profile

Kirstin C May 8, 2014 at 6:49 am

You manage to parent, wife, run AND floss? You are my new number one inspiration.
Kirstin C recently posted…Plantar Plate Injury and Capsulitis: Cured!My Profile

SteveQ May 8, 2014 at 8:18 am

I remember seeing a sign in Elwood Indiana that said, “Birthplace of Rick Mount.” Basketball player, apparently famous. When I commented on it, I heard, “That’s to distract from its other notoriety – birthplace of the Ku Klux Klan.” Good choice, Elwood.
SteveQ recently posted…Non-running running training – overviewMy Profile

Carilyn May 8, 2014 at 10:51 am

Kirstin, that made me laugh – thank you! I try very hard to not live up to anyone’s expectations 🙂

Carilyn May 8, 2014 at 10:52 am

Yes, good call, Steve 🙂

Char May 8, 2014 at 9:43 pm

I’m all for aiming low. That way you don’t set yourself up for disappointment. My aims for most of my races is just to finish. Any more than that and I start to get stressed.
Char recently posted…The Day I Became A MurdererMy Profile

Carilyn May 9, 2014 at 6:18 am

I agree, Char! Sometimes setting a time goal sends me over the edge.

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