Because I work from home, I have to keep myself on a pretty tight schedule or I would spend all day at the movies or talking on the phone with my sister. Or probably getting a psychic reading.
So, to keep myself from spending thousands of dollars just for a woman with a large mole and 4 head scarves to tell me I will NEVER be married to George Clooney, I structure my day like this:
5:00 alarm
6:00 first run – 8 miles
7:30 make breakfast and lunches, clean up kitchen
8:30 at my desk – WORK (seriously, sit down and concentrate!)
11:30 Lunch – best part of the day
12:30 errands/housekeeping, etc. – worst part of the day
2:30 – 4:30 – second run – 12 miles
4:30 – 5:30 – core workout, etc.
5:30 – 6:30 – dinner prep
6:30 – 7:30 dinner
9:00 – bed
Now, this schedule is the bomb. Or would be, if I followed it. Because when it comes right down to it, there are many, many important things that need to be taken care of on any given day, such as:
* Standing outside after a run for 15 minutes because I MUST find out what Andy Cohen (of the Real Housewives franchise) is going to reveal next in his memoir that I am listening to on my iPod while I’m running. Except now I’m done running, so I’m just standing here. That’s okay – the kids can just have cereal for breakfast this morning.
* Googling freak bike accidents in Los Angeles. Don’t judge. I have a sickness.
* Following emergency vehicles around town. You just never know what you might witness (see above).
* Calling my sister back just ONE MORE TIME because I remembered the brother’s name from Family – that Kristy McNichol show from the ’70s. I mean, come on, how are we supposed to work if I don’t call her back and tell her? (His name was Willie. You’re welcome.)
* Going to the Open House of a charming bungalow (that I will NEVER buy but MUST see the inside of) that I pass on the way back from the grocery store, forgetting that I have ice cream in the trunk.
* Cleaning melted Cherry Garcia out of the trunk.
* Walking 1/2 mile to get a Black Forest cupcake because I WILL NOT BE ABLE TO DO MY SECOND RUN IF I DON”T HAVE CARBOHYDRATES! All runners know this. Duh!
* Googling all the designers from Project Runway to see if any of them have gone on to successful careers. Don’t underestimate the importance of this information, people. You may need a feathered roller derby costume someday.
* Practicing my English accent into a tape recorder so that my blog sounds legitimate.
To be honest, I had to cut this list short because I’m already behind this morning. And I hear a siren. I would hate to miss something interesting.
Happy Running!
Your list of ways to procrastinate is hilarious!!
Do you run 20 miles every day??
Kim recently posted…200 Minutes of Running – Done!!
Yes, Kim. Some of the time I can only get “junk” miles in, but those are important in 24 hour events, too. But I’m really lazy when it comes to “other” stuff – that’s why I love your blog. Love the exercises you show, etc. 🙂
I think they’re all perfectly legitimate reasons to procrastinate. My favourite thing to do to avoid work is to stand in front of the open pantry to try to find something healthy to eat and still choosing to eat the chocolate. Trying can take at least ten minutes and it makes me feel like I’m not a total push-over.
Char recently posted…Oops I Did It Again
This is precisely why I need to run more. To justify the cupcakes.
hahahahahaha…I needed to read this today. When I first clicked on your blog and saw “ultra runner,” I felt a small panic. I am more of an ambler, mosey-er, jogger, lumber-er but I LOVED RUNNING back when I made time for it. Just before baby #2 (at 42), I finished my second half marathon. Then I stopped. My 13.1 sticker feels like a joke now. I’ve thought about just getting a new car so I won’t have to take it off. Then I read this and I forgive myself a teensy bit. Thank you. I want to pull my running shoes back out of the closet…I hope they haven’t dry rotted!
Ashley recently posted…The Door Mat
You are so funny, Char! I love it – trying makes you feel like you’re not a total push-over! 🙂
Exactly, Marcia! Will run for cupcakes!
Thank you, Ashley! And I’m glad you stopped by – we’re all in the same boat at one time or another.
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