If you follow this blog at all, you know my racing has been a little sketchy lately. Some detractors (ahem…) have mentioned that I might go into my races a little unprepared. Yes, I’m not so good with details (or directions, or splits, or remembering to pack my shoes), I agree. So, for this weekend’s race, I have thoroughly prepared:
And if all else fails, Plan B:
Happy Running!
In some ways we are so much alike… I once went to a race with a chess set, a volume of poetry and a scented candle, but not socks. I just joined the TwitterNation and followed you – there my name is Amy and I post about fashion, so the multiple personality thing seems to be growing.
WHAT??!! Move sock monkey to Plan A!
You are so right, Vanessa! What was I thinking?!
I know, Steve! We do seem to share a lot of the same “quirks”! 🙂
You really ARE my fitter, blonder, better-runner, long lost sister!
So you put push-pins in your sock monkey, too? :). When we finally race together, we will have to be careful we don’t end up in Canada!
Has the monkey got his nipples taped to prevent chafing? That’s a whole level of preparedness that’s been thus far unheard of. And that physics text – you may need to calculate the amount of potential energy in the compressed springs that are your leg muscles at some time during the run to work out just how much extra force to exert using the chemical energy produced by the Krebs cycle. (yes, I know that makes absolutely no sense but it’s a LONG time since I did any organic chemistry and even longer since I did any physics.) And if it doesn’t come in handy for that you can always use it to kill scorpions and snakes or tear out the pages to use as tissues for the inevitable tears, toilet paper for any unexpected calls of nature or spit balls to be used against your ‘other’ personality.
You crack me up, Char! – and are clearly way smarter than I! 🙂 Thanks for the giggle!
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