by Carilyn on November 6, 2008

People with many interests live, not only longest, but happiest.
– George Matthew Allen

One of the things I like best about ultrarunners, is that they seem to live such varied lives. There is no “one size fits all” style for ultrarunners. Yes, they all run. A lot. But when they are not running, they seem to take that same zeal for running and use it in the rest of their lives. Every time I check on another ultrarunner they seem to be doing something new and cool!

Check on some of the blogs on the left, and you will see that Olga is getting her massage therapy license; Ronda is doing body/fitness competitions; Julie is coaching; Matt is brewing beer; and Debbie Horn (not a blogger, but an awesome runner) is a bee keeper – and these are just things they are doing in their free time! I love it! I just find it fascinating to see how diverse we all are, yet we come together with a common passion for running.

On the running front, I’ve done none. I have been swimming, walking and biking for the past 2.5 weeks. But on Saturday, it is back to running. I’m so excited! I miss my friends. I miss the early mornings. I miss the movement that can’t be duplicated by any other sport. I have no specific plan yet, but I would like to run a 100 miler in the spring. I need to work on my hydration strategy and try to get comfortable with some sort of electrolyte drink. Plain water just isn’t cutting it in these 24 hour races.

My in-laws are coming to town for the weekend, so I’m looking forward to some great political discussions, walks on the river and good food. The weather has finally turned a little chilly here, so it is perfect for walking and grilling in the backyard. The leaves are changing and it almost makes you want to cry, it is so beautiful. Every season, I think ‘this is my favorite season,’ until the next season rolls around. But autumn in El Paso is lovely – cool, crisp, dry and colorful. Perfect running weather. I can’t wait to get out in it!

Happy running!


Rooster November 7, 2008 at 10:36 am

Jealous of the DRY leaves….ours are definately WET now. Have a great weekend!

olga November 7, 2008 at 1:04 pm

And some are planning to write a book…are you still up to it? I am sorry I got so swamped, but the idea had never left my mind…one day, gosh, one day I’ll have time for it all!!!
Hey, watch for me coming to suffer a heat stroke next summer:)

Matthew Patten November 12, 2008 at 6:51 am

I would send you a sample of my latest beer, pumpkin ale, but shipping alcohol across state lines is illegal (not that it has stopped me before).

i hope to have some brews for post ultra festivities next year, so if you are in the upper midwest, you might get a sample.

Any chance you want a rematch at Kettle?

Not sure if there is any chance in hell my wife would let me go there again after what happened to me.

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