by Carilyn on May 9, 2008

No News is Good News
I haven’t posted anything recently because I don’t really have anything interesting to post! I’m running a lot, trying to get geared up for KM100. Since I like high mileage, and hate specificity, I didn’t think there would be much interest in me reporting, “I ran 10 miles this morning. Slow. I will repeat the process tomorrow.” 🙂 Next week is a peak week, so I know I’m going to be tired. My resting heart rate was elevated this morning, so I know I need my planned rest day tomorrow. I’ve also been pretty irritable today, so I know that I am spent. I ate 7 pieces of candy yesterday trying to satisfy my insatiable sugar cravings. This always happens when I’m training hard, but it catches me by surprise each time.
I’m still trying to find a pacer for Kettle Moraine. I e-mailed the RDs, but I haven’t heard back. They are going to have a 38 mile night run, but I would still like to have someone running with me after dark. I’m such a loop course person that I am having panic attacks about getting lost in the middle of the night. I’m hoping this fear goes away after this race, or I will never be able to run another trail run 🙂 When I read about Julie, Ronda, and Olga running those tough trail races, I’m in awe. Maybe someday!
My kids are playing there first season of baseball and they love it! I was dreading it because I heard it was a huge time commitment, and it is already super hot here, but it has been a total blast!
Spencer up to bat

Grant pitching

Tonight I’m getting a deep tissue massage because I’m having some issues with my back/hip/hamstring. Two years ago I took a nasty fall and tore my hamstring and ruptured a couple of disks in my back. On Tuesday, I fell again! This time, it was not nearly as bad as last, but I tweaked my hip. It has been super tight all week, so I need to get it worked on. I hate to start next week with it tight. I’m sitting on tennis balls as I type this, and that seems to help a little. Hopefully, Frank, the massage therapist (who is also the trainer for the UTEP track and cross country teams) can work it out. He is the master, but he makes me scream! Oh well, no pain, no gain!

I’m adding Jamie Donaldson’s blog to my “favorites” list on the left. If you haven’t already, go by and say hi. She’s got a great race report and a cool story about the bet she made with her husband, David.

I’m off to read blogs. Happy running!

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