Heading to San Francisco – Ruth Anderson 100k
I head out tomorrow for RA100k. I’m now back to looking forward to it (as opposed to dreaming up new ways of weasling out). I have had such a long taper that I just can’t wait to run! I think Tim is about ready to make me run next to the car on the way to the airport – I don’t do very well with tapering, especially after having the forced taper of being sick! Four weeks is waaaaaaaay too long for a taper.
This week I took it easy, just running a little every day to keep my legs moving and the craziness in check. I finally felt like I could put some miles in, but knew that would be stupid (although it took a lot of talking to my self to convince my self that it would be really stupid). I’m hoping that my enthusiasm will remain for 62 miles!
On a different, but still running related, topic (my favorite kind), how about Jamie Donaldson at Umstead and Julie Berg at McNaughton? Do those ladies rock, or what!? Jamie beat her own course record by 40+ minutes and Julie won McNaughton for the second year in a row! Both women almost won OVERALL in very tough fields. I am beyond impressed. I can’t wait to watch what they do the rest of the year! Congrats Jamie and Julie!
I know some of you are racing this weekend or next, so I can’t wait to get back and check in on everyone. Happy running!
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