by Carilyn on April 9, 2008

I Love to Run!

Don’t you just love to run – fast, slow, trails, road, whatever, wherever. There is something about the fluidity of running, the motion, the movement, that speaks to each of us. One of the reasons I love to read others’ blogs is that I feed off of their excitement for the sport. If I am sick, tired, or just feeling unispired, I can hop over to one of my favorite blogs to get a nice shot of happiness. If you are a regular of any of the people I list on the left, you know that we are all very different – we train differently, race differently, and think differently. But we all love to run. I feel blessed to have found each of his/her blogs and know that there are many more out there that I will soon discover.

I’m finally getting excited about Ruth Anderson 100K. I did a tempo run this morning and felt good. As much as I complain about speedwork, I really do think it is necessary and empowering. If you are ever feeling sluggish, try some tempo running and see if it helps. More often than not it brings me out of a funk, loosens me up, and makes me feel like a runner (even if my times don’t always reflect it 🙂 I also e-mailed Rajeev Patel, the RD for RA 100K to ask a question about directions to the race. He sent back a couple of super nice, clever e-mails and now I can’t wait to meet him. Don’t you just love the people in this sport?

I plan to keep it simple the rest of the week. As I mentioned, Tim has decided to train for another marathon, so he is getting up and running with me a couple of days a week and it is such a treat for me. Tim is a great conversationalist, so I love having uniterrupted time with him just to talk. I think we’ll probably run an easy 6 together and then I will put in a few extra just because I’m OC! My weekend calls for 1.5 -2 hours with a few miles at the end at M Pace. Next week will be pretty light, with a couple of speed bursts thrown if for good measure.

My sister arrives Friday morning, does the Noon Show on one of the local stations, and then is free for the afternoon. I’m going to pick up Charcoaler, our favorite hamburger joint (homemade onion rings – yum), and meet her at our parent’s house. After lunch, Linda, our mom, and I are going to have a Green Tea foot massage. It is the best! Then Mexican food for dinner. Hopefully, we will be a little more restrained with our eating the rest of the weekend. Linda has book signings and appearances, so I don’t think we’re going to have tons of time to pig out! She leaves on Sunday evening to head to Texas Tech University where she is going to speak to the students. I’m going to miss her, but am already planning our trip to Manhattan to see her!

Happy running!

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