by Carilyn on March 14, 2008

Weekend Warriors

Okay, not so much warriors, but I always have a hard time with the title 🙂

The plan for this weekend is to rest tomorrow (I haven’t taken a rest day in almost 2 weeks because I got messed up with the marathon), and then do the TransMountain Challenge on Sunday. The TM Challenge is a total blast. You run 6.5 miles up the mountain, gaining about 2000 feet, and then turn around and haul back down. Some of our running group is going to race it, but most of us are just going to use it as a training run. We are going to meet early, run 3 miles for a warm-up and then head up the mountain. After the first loop (and the end of the race), we plan to turn around and do it again, giving us between 25 and 30 miles.

Our recent Seattle transplant, Luis, has a different idea. Because he is used to the soft, wonderful trails of the Pacific Northwest, he proposed that we do the second loop on trails. We tried to convince him that our trails are not what he is envisioning, but as of yet, he is not deterred. As I’ve mentioned, our trails are like those you encounter at Zane Gray – really technical, rocky, full of cacti and RATTLE SNAKES! A loop on the road or dirt shoulder should take us less than 2 hours, even at a jog. But a loop on the trails would be closer to 3.5 hours, I would guess. Plus, the group that is planning to use this for a long run is using it for a BOSTON training run, not Hardrock. We may just have to kidnap Luis and strip off his trail shoes and gaiters and shove his feet into more reasonable road shoes. Hopefully it won’t come to this, because we really like him and want him to stick around 🙂

This week is my second Build week, so next week is a Peak week. We leave on Friday for Spring Break, so I’m going to have to get in a lot of running in 5 days. I plan to run on Spring Break, but you know how that goes – the road to… By needing to be done by Friday afternoon, it looks like I’m going to have to get my long runs in during the week. I’m going to have to get creative to come up with some interesting runs since I will probably have to do them alone. If you want to read about a great solo long run, hop over to Julie‘s blog and read about her 50 miler in the snow. She is one tough lady! I complain if I have to run more than 20 by myself 🙂

Speaking of solo, I would really like to not run the night portion of KM100 alone. If anyone knows of someone in Wisconsin that might be willing to pace me at night, I would be SO appreciative! I hear that they are going to have a separate race at night so that there will be more people on the trail, but since I don’t ever run trails, I think it would be a good idea to have someone with me. Uncoordinated and a scaredy cat are not a good combination for a successful trail race.

Tonight is pizza night, the boys’ favorite. We like to watch Monk and eat pizza in the den. Don’t you wish sometimes that you could just make time stand still for just a little while? I feel like my kids are growing up so fast and it won’t be long before pizza and Monk will be replaced by parties and cars. Scary. I want them to stay little for just awhile longer. I want them to stay at an age where they still insist I go in to kiss them goodnight every night, no matter what time it is when we get home. I want them to still want to read the cereal box while they slurp cereal for breakfast – and want every cheap toy that comes in the box. Sigh. I know that this time won’t last, but it is wonderful right now.

Happy running!

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